What LPU Merch Do You Want?

Since the LP Symbols shirts seemed to be a big success with you guys, we want to look into putting out some other exclusive LPU item in the store. We’d like to do something VERY limited (maybe only 50). Some ideas we’ve had include a limited edition LPU skate deck, LPU backpack, LPU headphones… stuff along those lines.

What do you guys think? Do you like any of those ideas? Do you have any of your own ideas? Think stuff that MOST LPU members would want/use (not gender specific stuff). Let us know your thoughts in the replies!

LPU Headphones sounds like a badass idea. I’d definitely get those :slight_smile:
Hmm how about leftovers of the ATS Deluxe Edition? Not many peeps got that. Oh and also, Mike once stated here that they might giveaway some of those cases. Would be a great opportunity to do it through the LPU. What do you think?

a charm would be very cool =)

Maybe a definitive collection DVD that has every single Linkin Park music video to date on it. It’s fun watching from “One Step Closer” to “Iridescent” and seeing how much LP has changed over the years. :stuck_out_tongue:

Headphones! That would be great :smiley:

I like the idea of LPU headphones very much!

but the very limited, I don’t like. There are people who could sit in the front of a screen the whole day and waiting of an announcement. Limited means you have to be fast, and of course of the time shift there could be some trouble for some of the members.

Maybe a necklace with the LP logo… (could wear both genders)

HEADPHONES FOR SURE! Limited? Limited how? 1 per person and only 50 available or just 50 for all?:stuck_out_tongue:

A definitive collectiion of music videos would be great. Or a poster with all the LPU artworks over the years signed by the band.

A LPU necklace would be amazing! :smiley:

a limited glas covered frame with different pictures from the LPU era from november 2001 (the very beginning) until now.

But the skate deck is also a very nice idea!

[quote=schatti]A definitive collectiion of music videos would be great. Or a poster with all the LPU artworks over the years signed by the band.

I love those stuffs! :slight_smile: but I’m sure whatever you giveus we want it

The headphones sound awesome, so does the signed poster idea I read below but out of all the suggestions so far a DVD/Bluray compilation of all the LP content ever released on video would be awesome, even better in HD.

Still I like the headphone idea xD

I travel a lots, LPU backpacks sounds cool :slight_smile:

The headphones idea is AWESOME! :slight_smile:

I like DVD/Bluray idea!!! or Well…LPU backpacks :smiley:

hmm nobody thought about it. Maybe any opportunity at the m&g to take a single photo with the band (not a group one)?

DVD not likely because it involves music and then we get into a licensing thing with the label. Makes for a really complicated product. Let’s stick to actual merch, not anything with music or video. Also, we’d like to stay away from signed stuff.

Headphones sounds great for me!

[quote=Adam]DVD not likely because it involves music and then we get into a licensing thing with the label. Makes for a really complicated product. Let’s stick to actual merch, not anything with music or video. Also, we’d like to stay away from signed stuff.
So like I said headphones or i don’t know a laminate that confirms that you can get a band photo :stuck_out_tongue: