What grinds your gears?

I can’t recite a phrase really because it’s the world’s first language that only works through on the spot improvisation. In short, when I’m speaking Bulgarian and I’m looking for a word and it either isn’t one that I know or isn’t coming to me I sub in the English equivalent. :stuck_out_tongue: lol But I can’t sub in random words that wouldn’t make sense, it’s usually names of objects or verbs.

My grandparents also found it a bit weird when they would ask me a question in Bulgarian and I’d give them an answer in English. According to them I didn’t do that as much a couple of years ago when they came over.

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Ah, I see; it’s a way to bridge the gaps. You know that reminds me: there are actually English words that have been incorporated into Japanese as a result of Westernization because there just isn’t an accurate equivalent for some nouns in Japanese. “Ice cream,” for example, is just “ai-su-ku-ri-mu” in Japanese. Japanese syllables are used, but essentially it’s direct from English. So basically, your method is legitimate. :smiley:

Yes, but in your case it’s used to bridge gaps in the language. I use it to bridge gaps in my ability :stuck_out_tongue:

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Meh, it’s all semantics.


A field of litter…and a few leaves, but mostly litter.

This is one of many reasons why teenagers are universally loathed. During term time the local park is 60% litter because the high school is right next to it and students are allowed in the park during lunch. I used to go to that school, it was rubbish.

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Oh my… I hate it when I have to book flights to somewhere and direct ones aren’t an option.

That’s the problem with biodegradable bags:

STD lol

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lol why are you posting this smiley in every thread?

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Seems like nobody realised it was in French :stuck_out_tongue:


A person with testicles for a nose?

It’s a smiley face. You know for a nerd on cars your not that smart nor can you take a joke :wink:


The hell kinda smiley face is that? Also I think you’ll find that you’re the one who missed the joke.

I shall arbitrate this dispute.

The smiley face in question ( :3 ) is a derivative intended to imitate such animals as the the cat (and, dare I say, the bunny). However, to an objective eye, it does indeed also resemble a pair of eyes above a scrotum. Both interpretations could be valid, depending on context.




You guys have ruined :3 for me.

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Don’t think of it as ruined. Think of it as granting you a whole new use for the :3 emoji. Now it’s more versatile. :smiley:

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