What grinds your gears?

I can’t read the overlapped words:


Really, @ROBOT BOY

Fudge everything…

I don’t get idiots that put handles on the push sides of doors.

What grinds my gears is when you’re doing a relay race for indoor track practice and you’re receiving the baton, then the guy handing off for the other team forgets to stop running and, while both of you are sprinting full speed, you get body slammed into the wall. This after being back to running for a whole 1 week after being out for 5 weeks due to injury.

I don’t usually follow any social media at all, but I saw a recent tweet by Chester that speaks for what’s grinding my gears right now. I respect that he said what needs to be said.

I’m thinking I may have to leave this country. Can one of you guys over in Europe adopt me? I’ve always wanted to visit England and/or Germany (main countries of my heritage)…

…adopted… every usa migrant - Germany is still open ( even if we brake on it ) gimme ya arrival date, Dude… :stuck_out_tongue: - but for real guys,I know we are all not very much in politics, but this election result in usa showing clear a direction:
nacionalism won against humanity/ solidarity
money won against values

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Heehee… I’m only half-kidding. But I seriously would like to eventually spend some time over there (I think I’d really like it).

And I normally don’t like to bring up politics either (lest I offend someone), but I’m honestly more alarmed right now than I’ve ever been for things here. I agree completely with your statement just now and would also go so far as to add… that utter stupidity won against intelligence (and by an irritatingly close margin).

Sorry for bringing this up here; I’ll try to refrain from going on about it. I just find it hard to contain my feelings on some matters and had to vent.

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no worries, this here is absolutely the right place to share it, when not here where then, man!?? if ya ever hit Germany- let me just know :grinning:

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I hate the stupid velcro on the inside pockets of my coat. They’ve put the rough surface on the coat side of the pocket so every time I reach to get my wallet or something else I end up scraping my knuckles on it because the opening is tiny. As a result I end up looking like I’ve been punching a wall; also the cold doesn’t help either. I gotta find a way to get the velcro off.

It doesn’t come off as well in the pics but they were really red.

Let’s just say that politics piss me off in general.

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Cold hands and low temperature :expressionless:


People’s endless stupidity really irritates me. First it was those idiots that paid like £100 for a £5 note when the new £5 notes were released and now John Lewis (a department store over here) have released another Xmas advert.

For those that don’t know they release a new advert every year where something “heartwarming” happens in the ad but it in no way advertises the shop and it usually features an animal. Last year was a cat, the year before that was a penguin. And with each year they sell stuffed toys of the animals and people can’t seem to get enough.

This year it’s a bunch of garden animals (foxes, hedgehogs, dog, …). My parents bought a bunch of them to sell on ebay. One costs about £12. People are paying £30 for them on ebay. WHY!? My parents are gonna make like literally £300-400 from people’s idiocy which is good for us but how can people be this thick?


I think we can conclude that no matter where in the world one goes, one cannot escape stupid people. It’s rather frightening when you think about it.

The stupid walk among us
Expressing their stupidity in a menagerie of ways
Growing on the tree of wisdom like fungus
They may bring about the end of days

Sorry. My English degree just made me type a poem unexpectedly. It can do that.


A sad truth. I wonder if there is a state of mind past stupidity. Because I distinctly remember a girl in my high school English class who genuinely asked whether wolves were real animals.

That’s a shame. Especially considering the sad history of the relationship between humans and wolves. In most places they’re hunted without mercy to nigh extinction by naive people who don’t understand the interconnections of all organisms, from single-celled things all the way up to large predators.

And oh yes, I believe there are levels beyond stupid. But hopefully we can assumed the average high-schooler is not a reflection of the average adult. After all, it’s a fact that the human brain doesn’t finish developing fully until as late as one’s early twenties. Then again…

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Of course you can’t escape it. People will chose to be uneducated and ignorant because they’re afraid of what would happen if they had to be held up to a standard of knowledge. I’m sure that the average intelligence level could be a lot higher than it is, people just need to be willing to learn. I know from experience, so many people refuse to become educated because they’re afraid to knoe the truth of the real world and then have to be held to the standard of knowing that. They want an excuse for when they fail, and that is that they’re “stupid.”

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Well. The performance Saturday was a big mistake. We were supposed to meet at the venue before the party would start where we would perform.

We hadn’t rehearsed too often and hoped we could at least do sound check and “practice” a little more before the actual show. But I was the only one there with the drummer. The others showed up 1,5 hour AFTER the party had started and one even managed to arrive 3 hours after that.

We were all supposed to wear traditional Indonesian clothing. The girl that showed up 4,5 hours late decided to wear a glitter dress instead and claimed she doesn’t have any Indonesian clothing WHILE SHE WORE SEVERAL INDONESIAN OUTFITS at previous events.

There were more bands scheduled and our band was also supposed to perform while a kids fashion show in traditional Indonesian clothing would occur. But because we were so late, the host had to reschedule everything and some bands had to perform longer thanks to that. I felt really embarrassed about it. Basically because our band was late, the rest of the party was a chaos.

While waiting for glitter girl, we performed a few songs. WITHOUT sound checking, because the party had already started WITHOUT us. My microphone was set TOO loud and I couldn’t hear myself on the monitor while the other singers basically just whispered the lyrics. One guy in the audience said my mic was so loud he had to turn off his hearing aid…

Then, when glitter girl showed up she gave attitude and said she didn’t want to perform. The other songs were all chosen by her, in a language that I don’t speak by origin. I wanted to go home at that point but after yelling and talking a bit with glitter girl ended up on stage anyways… And it was AWEFUL.

The others just stood there on the stage like a bunch of plastic dolls. I put my microphone further away and they were still hardly hearable. People danced to our songs but I think it was out of pity, really…

And then today I had to see those same people in church… I was less angry, figuring it was the first time for a lot of them to perform on a stage like that and to just let it go. I couldn’t sing in the choir today because I had a family event first, but made the songbook for the choir to sing last week. Then this lady from my choir starts bitching behind my back about some song I forgot to put in for the choir to sing in. She had a whole week to check the book I made. She said she had seen it and was happy with it. She knows I also have to work, have to practice with the crappy Saturday Band and prepare their setlist too.

I am just so pissed off about how this weekend went. So looked forward to performing but what a bag of shit it was.

I’m sorry you had a bad weekend :confused:

My opinion in general and what pisses me off the most about people is that they’re pigs. Some can be such a******* to others or even to themselves. It’s insane to me.

That’s interesting. For me, a desire to know truths of the real world is largely what drove me to start studying biochemistry. And more broadly, I think that search is one of the only things that provides me any motivation to keep living. If I gave up on trying to understand things that perplex me (like mysteries of life on the molecular level, etc.), I would feel like I had surrendered to a pointless life of ignorance and complacency.

It’s possible I may never unravel anything of significant consequence despite all I learn, but I feel compelled to go on trying anyway. There are too many things people don’t understand, and it’s hard for me to just ignore that.