What grinds your gears?

Ugh, wow he’s awful.

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That guy was so stupid! I hate this kind of people who don’t respect others and their work and the hard work behind a project.


Lol the serial killer.
Yea… the brainless people again.:sleepy:


That is horrible! Mockery of a student…so professional. I have come across my fair share of those kind of people and it’s a nightmare. Sucks that you have to go through it. I hope you get a better grade than you deserve for putting up with this crap.


So, the building I’m working at is under renovations for the past two weeks and I
Thought we were finally getting towards the end but today, today is bloody insane! They have blocked out literally 2 out of 3 floors (the 2 that we actually need to go around) so we are having major problems with deliveries and going back and forth to our office. On top of that, freaking control (company that checks if everything is ok and there are no violations of safety, health and hygiene) just came!!! And the manager is away and I’m literally freaking out… oh and it’s exttemely busy as well. Like, I’m so done, stressed to the top!


You got this @evooba . Just a little longer until the day is done. Take a deep breath. Think of the holidays. You can do it :slight_smile:

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Barely having free time because of school projects. I kinda miss being active here, just letting you guys know I’m still alive :sweat_smile:


Sending strenght to you!! :muscle: :muscle: :sun_with_face: :hugs:

@the_termin8r how about the grades?they should say sorry to you too… :angry:

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Glad to hear you are still alive @rickvanmeijel :joy:! Good Luck with your studies!

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No grades, and the fuckery continues. Now everyone is being fucked around with because 2 different documents tell us 2 different things for 1 task.

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:confused: :weary: :exploding_head: not fair!!! :angry: hope it’ll be solved soon! :muscle: :muscle:


My Grandmother is 95 years old and I’ve been nagging to my family for years now that she should not be living alone. They wouldn’t listen. I’ve tried to contact the elderly care that comes take care of granny 4 times a day, but they say I can’t do anything because it is my uncle who has the rights to decide about my grandmother.

And now my grandmother had a TIA [stroke] today and she hurt herself because she fell.
In the hospital the doctors told my family that grandmother is definitely not capable of living alone and MUST be moved to a nursing home. At least she will have people watching her day and night now.

But first, she has to recover in the hospital. I am so worried. She has dementia and most of the time hardly understands what is going on. Of course people get old and suffer from all kinds of things and of course death is something that happens to all of us. But I really hope it won’t mean the end for grandmother just yet.

So angry at my family… So worried for my grandmother…


Dafuq is wrong with your family? Who leaves a 95 year old with dementia to live alone?


I know, my family sucks :confounded:

Awww dear!! Stay strong! :sun_with_face: :hugs: :hugs:

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Gatsie I am so sorry to hear this. This is awful. Sending strength to you and her.

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I am sorry for you dear and sending you and her all the love in the world :sparkling_heart:

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I hope the best for her. I can’t believe that. Stay strong.

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Nooo! @gatsie hope she recovers soon :confused:

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sigh I tried calling my dad about it, he mostly avoids the subject and starts talking about something else… Just as long as he doesn’t have to share emotion or fear… So frustrating…

Thanks you guys. :heart: