What grinds your gears?

When the boss sees you’re helping a customer and the boss takes you aside, while there are more customers waiting, yet the boss insists she wants to talk to you so that you know that your job is to only help customers and not have small talk with the staff…

Dunno :woman_shrugging: It just appeared one day and it’s not disappearing(much better now though)



Originally made with Japanese sign ¯_(ツ)_/¯ lol

Now there are small dots of scab @NickGr:

People not leaving me alone when I wanna be left alone… But also being alone when I just want someone to talk to.

Your parents not allowing you to go to concerts. Like there is a Foo Fighters concert coming up in Singapore and I can’t go. like WTF?! They are playing here 21 years later. Their last concert here was like 1996. AND I CAN’T F***ING GO?!

Plus I missed the Metallica and Megadeth concerts.

When it doesn’t load:

You go without them knowing, it’s simple.

I have the same dots on my knee, itching a bit sometimes

I remember screaming and cursing on my classmate(he’s a bit… non-empathetic, can’t understand when you hint with your glance, tone, etc) Felt so guilty after it

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It is not as simple as you think, y’know?

It is. Do it once and you’ll see. We’ve all been there.

As simple as running away from school

If @evkorngdlpid 's parents are anything like mine sneaking out is an impossibility.


If you have a friend who likes the same bands and wants to go to the concerts too, maybe you can together plan something; Pretend to have a sleepover at the friend’s place and that you have to go to a special event for school or some other supposedly important thing. But instead, you go to the concert.

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May not work
(My parents are in a WA chat with my teacher :see_no_evil:)

Oh wow, good thing my parents aren’t like that.

Also guys bare in mind, if this goes wrong it comes back to you (I’m not involved in it).

A little f–ker with a laser pointer! Gonna find ya now, run away…

Ah, come on now. Just because the teacher is in the WA doesn’t mean you can’t be working on a school project? Maybe it’s a project you want to do for school for next year? You just want to be prepared really well? Or pretend you just want to make homework together?

You have to plan really smart how to sneak out the house, otherwise. There’s actually a WikiHow about it ya’all:

My f***ing big brother ruins my life this day… -_-

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