What grinds your gears?

Oh! Acutally my big brother told me. I also tried to make my account in spotify. But its just not accepting. It just keeps on loading. I tried 3 times and then left it. :confused:

same here, works perfect for me.

Sit rep: It appears to have a mind of its own. The songs that weren’t working yesterday are working fine now.

Lol… your spotify have got its own brains

My parents are sooooooooo annoying af rn

I said I don’t have really any problem and keep asking me and I was like wtf?

And also some bees (not literally) while I’m in an internet café -_-

Mine images for the when and where thread are sideways. :neutral_face::neutral_face:
Gonna use Imgur from now on

well, something like this is going on here too…form the starting of this month. I was getting scoldings everyday for no reason. Not yesterday and today. I was saved somehow … -_-

whats that? even my pic come sideways… :confused:

Imgur is an images hosting service. I use it when the forum doesn’t allow me to upload pics or when they’re sideways…
Just upload it there and paste the link

ohk i got that!.. :slight_smile:

That happens on mobile, it should be fine on PC.

Yep…its completely fine on pc…i just uploaded 1 poc from mom’s phone…it was sideways…so i upload it from pc only☺

My mom’s getting salty again -_-

Honestly, I cannot stand judgemental, mean people! It grinds my gears when they judge people and put people down and they manage to get away with it!! What ticks me off is they apologise and they do it again; like an endless cycle! Another thing that gets me annoyed is spoiled brats and the fact they carry on and whine about what they have and what they want! People like that do my head in!

Here no one apologises. It seems like they just dont care. And love judging. …the cycle keeps on. I agree.

Yep…i know :expressionless:. Judgemental people…bad

I’m facepalming rn

Of what my parents did to me that they yell at me after I’m fainting today

Instead of getting recovered, they’ll take back my headache again -_-

Did you actually pass out? If so are you ok?

Yeah I’m alright

I shoulda rest more and move on

Wait so you got in trouble for fainting today? Something my mom would do…

I could be hit by 15 cars and she would yell at me for being in the street.

Mosquitoes biting me in the face, I look this right now:

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