What are you doing right now?

Just came home, had a wonderful night, saying bye to friends.

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I’ve worked with a number of people over the years that make me question how they got their jobs. I’ve worked with lazy people, I’ve worked with people who do half-ass jobs and get away with it. A few years ago, a huge argument+shoving match broke out between one of my co-workers and my boss.

No work space is 100% perfect, and every place has their own special weirdo who seems to be the exception to the rule.

May the bunnies be with you @intheend.

On topic, watching the Yankees and looking for inspiration.




Just woke up, need to do some shopping this morning.

Today I have a belated birthday party :pizza: in progress


Enjoy it! :tada: :sun_with_face: :smile:

OT: lunch is ready! :yum:

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Thanks! :hugs:

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Have fun!

Just waking up and deciding what to have for breakfast

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Just back from doing overtime at work, off to the cinema then off to babysit.

Checked in for my flight back, scored a window seat (thankfully!)

Now, about to make a smoothie and try to cool down. It’s damn hot.

Playing Splatoon 2 on Switch.

Edit: folding papers for my big undefined project


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Going out with the parents for a walk and morning coffee. Last day of holidays :confused:

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Trying to learn german with memrise. That’s not easy because some words are so long, like entschuldigung to say sorry. So many letters :joy:


@Lilyope But this App is really good! Is there a reason for learning German ? :relaxed: I have many Friends from all over the world and all of them get crazy because of the German Language :joy:


Hey guys- sunshining hugs from Germany, and lol @Lilyope good flow, maybe we can talk german then already in August?!! :heart_eyes: we would love to, right @OneMoreLight2017 :blush: free day today?! Enjoy the sun :sunny:, curious about what you write there @LP13413 - will we get it to see?? :eyes: would be niiice :tada: and @evooba time passes sooo quickly- enjoy your last hours and fill your tanks!! :muscle:t2:

Ot: :sunny:sunbathing :sunny: after an extended :bath:t2: It’s only :heart_eyes:


Of course @theearlywalker, we would love to speak German with you @Lilyope ! :heart_eyes: enjoy the sun Pat!

OT: On my way to work :tired_face:

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Ohhh nooo… sending you strength dear :muscle:t2::hugs: :sunny:- btw. Still keeping my :crossed_fingers:t2: for the appliance dear :+1:t2:

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Ohhh Thank you!!! I still didn’t have news, but I will let you know!!! :heart:

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