What are you doing right now?

:scream: that was dangerous!!! Follow @NickGr 's advices!! :muscle:


Celebrating Easter :hatching_chick:

Edit: and found some oldschool posters



Just give me the bat after you have used it! :joy::joy:

Just got up enjoy the new start

Came home early from work cause I’m not feeling very well. Walked in the house to find my flat mate sick as well… so funny. We’re now both lounging on the couch with tea watching crap on the telly.

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Hope you feel better, and is a flat mate the same as a room mate?

I hope you are doing better @evooba get well soon!

Oh no! Get well soon!!

Enjoy your chillaxing teatime, all the best :blush:,

Ot: some bubbly and cooking dinner :yum:

Feel better @evooba.

I’d use that bat on Justin Bieiber as well.

Oh goodness @Lilyope I’ve had that happen to me as well. I just say no thanks and keep walking.


Thanks guys, I took a nap, feel a bit better now.

@chigokurosaki Kind of, flatmate = sharing a flat/house, roommate = sharing a room.


I’m living in fayetteville Arkansas I love it .

Get well soon @evooba !!!

If you’re still looking for something, maybe this one:

I’m not sure how it’s called in English.

Get well soon @evooba

On Topic: trying to work on my book.


Oooo cool i will check it out!

Thanks @IronSoldier16, I’m unwell at the moment so a movie will take my mind off things.

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You’re welcome. I watched it yesterday. I liked it.

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Board meeting is Tuesday. We’re all hoping for good news to come out of it, but given their track record, it won’t happen this time, either.


Waiting for my sleeping tablets to kick in…I took two tablets hours ago!!!

Very nice…one of the fastest growing areas of the U.S. right now