What are you doing right now?

Let’s do this I call get somewhere I belong

Going to sleep

Me too probably in another hour or so

Where could we schedule this if we do actually plan something

Well. I would have to ask some people. And most of the places I that could make this happen you would have to be 21 to be their after 8pm which is a problem. Since I am not 21 yet but I will ask people cause I honestly don’t know right now @chigokurosaki

5 hours of sleep, massive headache and off to work.

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I need to lift up my body and go at least have a breakfast

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Good morning lpu :sunny: Lazy day ahead here too, back to bed after breakfast- lucky me :relaxed:

@evooba stay strong :muscle:t2: and take a :pill: @NickGr feel you :blush:
@melissa320 & @turners34 & @chigokurosaki good idea, good going :tada:
@Honey8 good job and thanx for the love :heartpulse: you shared :grinning:

Edit: finally got up - lit up a candle for Chaz :cry:





:hugs: - Woman like tall man ( hope this helps a bit? :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:)


I’m not sure if women can even see my face lol


:joy::joy::joy: :hugs::muscle:t2::sunny:

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I love you lit a candle for are chazzy
On topic just got up about to make some coffee

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On Messenger, group chat with more LP fans

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Good thing is snowing, it’s quiet at work. Phew!


Making a playlist for my mom

Running some errands and Crawling plays on the radio. Great way to start my day :grin:

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That’s awesome. @melissa320 perfect morning music


Yeah didn’t know that. Does everyone have to be 21? I mean, it would be fine for me, but I want everyone else to be able to come to if they would want to. I didn’t even think about the age thing.



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