What are you doing right now?

Wow you are so kind! Nice @intheend

(I apologise i was kidding!! :joy::sweat_smile:)

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I never typed that -.-

And I meant the Instagram like. (kneels down to @lpfan61) (pokes him in the neck with a poisonous toothpick)

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Sorry friend, i have no fb , no insta, no hike , no twitter, no messenger, no WhatsApp. I can’t…

I don’t have fb, instagram, twitter, etc… sorry…

Ehm… I’m a female… :upside_down_face: doesn’t it show?? :blush:

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I don’t use Instagram either. Only Facebook.

I too have let you down :tired_face: I don’t use any social media platform unless you count this one but here’s mine :green_heart: :grin:

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(snaps @lpfan61 neck)
(drop kicks @LP13413 into lava)
(puts @Honey8 in a jar of honey)
(let’s a dog fart on a towel and shoves it into @framos1792 face and mouth)


Saw your page @o_0cynthiamarie…it says you ‘loved’ Linkin Park as if they are no more D;<

(pokes @o_0cynthiamarie with a swordfish in the neck)

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Meme gone mental!

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(roundhouse kick @aaran in the face)

Tickle swordfish to save you from becoming murder and her from dying but swordfish tail will whip you straight :grimacing:

Someone needs her nap time
towel whips @intheend with dog-farted towel and stink knocks her out

(shoots @framos1792 with rocket launcher)

crazy @intheend presses self destruct button on rocket launcher

(while I make popcorn to watch the show)

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@intheend more later I’ll watch it. It’s a promise.

anger issues much?


It’s just basic English: “Has loved Linkin Park”… doesn’t mean i don’t now or that they are no more…

:joy: see @intheend
Has loved isn’t had loved
Poke yourself with the swordfish and apologize

Don’t take offense @o_0cynthiamarie she’s like this with all of us
She grows on you ahem ahem :sushing_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Here, have a bunny


I just came home… I had a very good evening for a change even though this bloody rain kind of ruined our initial plans.

Ooooh I love rain