What are you doing right now?

still haven’t been able to watch One More Light :disappointed_relieved:


It’s so hard to watch.
I cry everytime :disappointed:


I just know I’m gonna lose it

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:joy::rofl::rofl::joy: I’m on break from an evening class and went to get something from snack machine
Put in dollar then it said it needed exact change so slid card instead
Chose bar, it charged my card 45cents then gave me dollar back
I’m like oh cool but then I’m putting dollar in wallet and machine starts spitting out change I’m like :face_with_raised_eyebrow: stayed there literally 5mins with quarters coming out of it, guy walks out of bathroom-what the f u do? I’m like :flushed::crazy_face:

I’m waiting for a homeless to ask me for change-YOU HIT THE JACKPOT MF!

It gave me $40 :hushed:


Lol what a strange situation! :joy::joy:
Rn getting ready for extra classes its actually Autumn holidays goin on here

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So I just got done playing RuneScape…this is an amazing tribute to Chester. The place looks amazing and although the whole new update wasn’t for Chester it’s still good.



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I was able to watch it only once, I can’t anymore. But it’s beautiful. Prepare a pile of handkerchiefs because you’re gonna cry trough the whole video and the most at the end :heart: But it’s worth it :hugs:

:joy: :joy: I’m rolling on the floor to laugh… :joy:
It’s because you deserve a reward for being such a good guy… someone is watching you from above… :wink: :hugs: :hugs:

Good day to all the soldiers! :rofl:


:joy: i was being watched from above, there was a camera in there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I can only imagine the recording :confounded: lol jk I’d like to think someone’s watching up there but then again he was having some fun with me because all that change had to go into one pocket and then going into class all you could hear was coins clinking

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Oh great… at last you could afford…


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:joy: loool :money_mouth_face:
Yeah!fun together with your guardian angel… :wink: :hugs: :blush:

Hello @Honey8 ! :rofl:

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Hiya @lpfan61 how’s your day going?

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My mornings are always quiet… :upside_down_face: I’m more busy in the evenings… :grin:

So lets get to our chat room…


Enjoying breakfast and coffee.


Happy morning friend… hope it goes nice day for ya… No annoying emails from land lord :sweat_smile:

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I was going to say the same thing… not be annoying by this crazy woman… :crazy_face:

(hold broken glass bottle to @lpfan61) go watch and like my video D:<

You too -.- @jFar920 @framos1792 @ironsoldier16 @gatsie @Honey8 @LP13413 @the_termin8r @samuel_the_leader


You’re right! :scream: I saw it and forget to like it… please pretty please forgive me… :pray:

bowing on the floor begging your pardon