What are you doing right now?

It’s her normal style
The sweetest wild ♪…

Lol guys what a fight!! I was imagining everything!!

@gatsie i love you memes! :laughing:

Oh bad… happens here to… rn there a big heat wave going on…

On topic: Rn it is 4:56 am… dunno if the rest ot the day i will be able to come here. So checking all threads now. And then going for morning shift of studies…
Happy morning to all have an amazing day! :partly_sunny: :partly_sunny:

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One of the most frustrating projects in a good long while

Spent the last two hours watching videos of Chester. I’m literally breaking my heart more and more watching these😞

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girl…get yourself a book or netflix or a guy or a hobby lol… don’t go hurting yourself when you don’t have to…


I tend to do that often, it’s a bad habit I have😅
I’ve watched everything on Netflix and literally just finished reading a book a few weeks ago :nerd_face:

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Lol you remind me of my lil bro- I’m bored, I did that already, that’s dumb, that’s boring, I finished, etc etc lol jk

Hulu or amazon prime time then lol actually tv not so good
Ouh, have you composed anything on your guitar? I’d love to listen :grin:

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Hahah yeah tv no good. I actually am starting to re learn everything again on guitar but when I doo I’ll be sure to have you listen! :relaxed:
Im in the process of learning how to play heavy. but since it’s been years since I picked up a guitar my mind drew a complete blank :expressionless:

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so much for just like riding a bicycle huh :stuck_out_tongue: jk I bet if you give it a little time it will all come back
ive tried learning before but can never get the muscle memory in my fingers :pensive:
ill be looking forward to your rendition of heavy and then guilty all the same after that :laughing:

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Woooork. So tired, I woke up ill, so no bike today :frowning:

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:face_with_head_bandage: :face_with_thermometer: nothing serious I hope?!

Nah, just some flu or something. But it totally changed my stuffed plans for the rest of the week.

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Water bottle caused a collapse in my backpaaack


Poor you… :joy:


Shouldn’t this be in the What grinds your gears thread? :smile:
Sucks though


I am watching Gilmore Girls for the millionth time

I’m about to start catching up with all the new episodes of the TV series I watch…

I’m eating chocolate, drinking coffee and watching some videos on YouTube. Guess it’s not a good idea at night☺️

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Early morning here…

Have an amazing day and happy morning!! :partly_sunny: :partly_sunny:

@ironsoldier16 i haven’t read any of your threads… Spanish lessons and masked mind. Will do them later as i am a bit busy. Just to inform… lol ik a slow student does lives here… :sweat_smile:

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listening Until It’s Gone

I am catching up on season 3 of The Flash. I’m so behind on all the shows I watch!