Yeah I have no plans to get married any time soon ethier
Lol, no offense to everyone else (excluding you guys) but most people are idiots. The truth is a harsh thing, but its real at least. I just act the way I feel and am supposed to I guess. But a lot of you are mature as well lol.
Ok it’s almost 1 am my time so I should really get to sleep so good night soldiers or day
Wait excluding you guys, me? meaning offense to me? Lol
I’m pretty sure most all of us feel that way about people outside of here lol
im a goofball here but in person I’m a lot more mature-Honest! Haha
Goodnight @turners34
That’s the one! Thanks bud, that’s twice I’ve tried finding it
I was saying no offense to you guys, cause you don’t act like idiots lol. You guys act your ages, not like 3 year olds.
It’s all fine Francisco breath in and out and be sure: you are just an awesome person and I agree, we soldiers are all in the same boat outside this site- so we assume: we are all AWESOME PEOPLE
- I was in a relation for 20 yesrs and guys believe me: nothing is supposed to last forever- I am kinda happy for Stephen, his life was a burden in the end- so it’s kinda relief imo. What a waking up lol- so deep themes already
but nevertheless have relaxed holiday @Lilyope
Ot: +
(@NickGr what exactly has changed? Maybe it’s because it’s still early… cannot see something changed)
Lol thank you I was just teasing @chigokurosaki’s wording though
it really has been a deep conversation day today on here, pretty cool
I suppose it is for the best for him but idk still sad to see one of the more influential minds pass away
I probably wouldn’t have seen this for a couple weeks or more if not for here. Sorry to see him pass, I know he was a big influence and role model for a lot of people. And one of the biggest names in science as well.
RIP Stephen Hawking. You were an inspiration and a role model to those in science.
(BTW, back to the topic, getting ready for college)
At work already, enjoying my coffee before it gets too crazy.
Forum got philosophical so much yesterday lol good morning and good night soldiers!!
Ot: playing with Furia
Getting ready for another day of school
Good morning soldiers
yeah - my fault , sorry for that
Having breakfast and getting ready to meet @AJ_7 in Düsseldorf later the day.
@framos1792 Yes that’s right, but the big screen is further away from my eyes.
That’s it, it’s laser tag ! I think it’s gonna be epic !
Thank you @theearlywalker
Rip Stephen Hawking. I saw his biopic in 2014 with the film “The Theory of Everything”. He was/is a great man.
Getting ready for this afternoon.
Don’t worry dear! It’s good to say what we feel and what we think