What are you doing right now?

I just accepted that I won’t get “dry” today- so it can not bother me anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

So you’re staying in the bathtub of water?

Nooooo- In my dress full of sweat :joy:- good that the internet can not transport smells :metal:t2:

I’m going to make tacos soon

Listening to my neighbors fight. They do this all the damn time. Trying to find something to distract myself because I’m torn on whether it’s escalated enough to justify calling the cops but it’s definitely escalated enough to make my anxiety go through the roof just from having to hear it for the last half hour.

The joys of apartment life.


Posted a video to YouTube, reading through the entry I logged in my journal over the weekend about Mr. Bennington.


Organising a type of Memorial in honour to Chester.


Night was the worst.

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Most of us live on deserts :open_hands:t4:

@theearlywalker, Lyon, Toulouse, & Bordeaux always die:

(I went to create the temp. map this morning)

I guess you’re referring to the +4°C hypothetical world map. I’m sure it won’t be that bad, but who knows.

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At least we will all get boiled and grilled… :scream:

At least we’ll be cremated under one sun, united. :stuck_out_tongue:


or smoked :bacon:

The temperature is lower today, it’s not that bad.

Edit: and it’s raining! :raised_hands:t4:

I browse my files


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Still no rain. This morning I saw so many dark clouds traverse the sky, but none of them produced any rain.

Not a cloud in sight here. I do see a crystal clear swimming pool though :swimming_man: :heart_eyes:

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It’s a mirage?!I see only the sun here…no clouds…no wind…:thermometer::fire:

So, it’s actually been abnormally cold here in northern Japan. Tomorrow it’s supposed to barely reach 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This time of year is normally 80-90 and humid.

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We all have to move to Japan…:sunglasses: about 20°C less…

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20°F less you mean.