What are you doing right now?

working and trying hardly to not do mistakes but this concentration prevent me to think too much, in the same time thinking off you makes me stronger, we are their soldiers, make them proud ! :two_hearts:


I’m melting
Bez tytułu


watching Dirty Dancing

yep, same here… 35*C - wish I was him…


In my town there are 46 °C…I think I’m melting…so sunny…:sunny::shaved_ice:

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Last few days 36°C. :sunny:

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Yes, I will take a cold shower now

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@Honey8 stop tracking me :joy:

Pretty much the entirety of July was above 30°C :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg :astonished:, This sounds like desert :cactus:

It’s so busy at work today… ugh! I need a day off.

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Correct, it is slowly becoming one, thanks to global warming:

And it hasn’t rained again since the day you said it was a coincidence, really like (slowly) becoming a desert.

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I just stopped moving for now- but two mins after the shower I feel like a sweat-man :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup, just now I showered, now I’m sweating like crazy right now.

Welcome to :cactus: Desertland :cactus:
Coming to an area near you.

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Come in France, it’s cloudy and 27° :sweat_smile:

No, different parts of France have different temperatures.

They announced a big thunderstorm here- I guess after the rain it will be even worse- like sauna- gonna enjoy ice-coffe now- coolness from within :sunny:

Yup, humidity. The heat afterwards will depend on whether the sun is still shining after the rain.

Pls someone seed the clouds here.

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Seems there are a thousand suns above us…:sunny: :wink:

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I just accepted that I won’t get “dry” today- so it can not bother me anymore :stuck_out_tongue: