Weather and climate

Get moving :joy:
Make yourself an ac with a box, ice, and the fan :crazy_face:

Haven’t yet :joy:

In the winter when I get wet from rain yeah I tend to catch a cold or flu here and there but that’s cuz we’re out for hours like that lol different story :grin:


You sound like my grandma :rofl:

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It’s true, though not if ambient is roasting.

Na. The f*** ac breeze, sure.

But sure not, when you’re outside all day

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I am with Rob on this. Disgusting hot weather. I’m forced to wear a long sleeve at work (to protect my new tat)and I’m literally dying the last few days.


Or like walking barfoot into mouse guts in the middle of the night? :thinking:

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It just started raining, I hope it lasts.


same here. its been raining heavy. humidity heavy. again that cold humid sticky wet weather … temps below 30 is good thing. another good thing i can sleep well at night, bad thing i can’t sleep much at night cause i gotta get up and study lol .


It’s finally raining!
And that lifted the night temperature to 11C (51F)
Not the freezing 4C (39F) from last night.
So laying awake, listening to the rain on the caravan roof is a pretty good thing.


It’s sadly still raining :joy:


It’s 13C (55F) outside.
But moving from a caravan into a house!
Not used to this indoors heat!
Can’t sleep and the windows are wide open.

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13 sounds like bliss.

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Finally perfect weather!!!
~13C (55F) at nights.
Up to 20C (68F) during the day, at the most.
Very clear, a little rain somtimes but mostly sunny.
With this temperatures, even I like to sit in the sun for a bit.
Laundry still get dried outside.
And grass for the sheep is growing, after everything was dried away.
So it can stay for a while!:blush:

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Rains rains i am fed up of the humid wet weather i need sun not to glare up my hall with extra rays but to dry up everything literally i am hating this
They say it will stay for more 10-15 days :slightly_frowning_face:


Who’s happy about freezing cold outside. and unheated inside?


Sunny her3 for a week… Then withdrawal rains again… monsoon will end in october… It started soo early and ending so late feels like all the rains of many years came in one year.
Average total rainfall for my area is 2300cm
But it crossed 3500 this yr.


It’s damn cold over here! The heating system is promised to be activated in a week or so


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hey… so im curious… a couple times ive noticed that yall say its cold when its single digits :thinking:
whats the low temps you guys get? :thinking: it sounds like we have bigger swings here which seems weird haha

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We haven’t seen low temps in a while here. The lowest I’ve seen recently is about 15.

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You want it lower???!!!

Good news here is that the central heating is finally on.