Unscramble the Song Title

Sorry, it isn’t.

File One Risk? I’ve no clue.

The name of the song must see with cellphones.

The band’s name must see with criminal.

If someone is interested in play, my song is:
Leif Erikson - Interpol.

(My last reply until I can back… See you all soon!)

Leif erikson! By Interpol! :sunglasses: hell yeah I got that right!

My turn

Veren ether- ums yftor neo

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S41 Never there.

Rokn -

Did you forget to add the song? :face_with_monocle:
Korn tho

No, it was intentional. Figure it out. lol

Blind??? :joy:

No, but you’re thinking along the right tracks.

An intro?

Fake? Lol

Getting there…

The End Begins?

Korn - Minus ?? :joy::sweat_smile:

Think its My Gift to You
Zero. Nil. I dont have any gift to give you :woman_shrugging:t2:

None of those.

Korn - korn?


Korn - I’m hiding??

No, @framos1792 was closest when he guessed an intro.