Unscramble the Song Title

Crooked Teeth - Papa Roach (nice) @baahx

ialcanifro dski - reewz

california kids - weezer

nehcters - opp vile

Trenches - Pop Evil

natw i uto - lolehewen

Want I out - Helloween

ryapre fo het gefeuer - sire itasgna

(it was “I Want Out” but I apologize because I scrambled the words out of order. I think you’ll still get the point)
Prayer Of The Refugee - Rise Against

ldo chosol lolhoowdy - tymses fo a wodn

Old School Hollywood - System of a Down

itlls uoctinng - lobaevt

Still Counting - Volbeat

own i nanwa fnins meos lueg - armeons

Now i wanna sniff some glue - ramones

on eefnlisg - xse itspols

No Feelings - Sex Pistols

eht ghfit ngos - ylarnmi nanmso

The Fight Song - Marilyn Manson :stuck_out_tongue:

Edvoularb fo krnoeb mraeds - Enayergd

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Greenday

stgngaas’ rpaaisde - ooolic

Gangsta’s Paradise - Coolio

rehivs - hte tEzagte

the gazette - shiver

evil - githlinng assrche

Lightning Crashes - Live

nnsyo uts - klausadr

Sonny stu? I can’t understand the other word.

Can I have a clue?

think Bram Stoker. [spoiler]you were close with the song title also[/spoiler]

The name of the band is: Drakulas.
But the name of the song I don’t get it yet.

It sounds like the name of a food at a chinese restaurant with very poor reviews, that’s my best hint I could think of for the name haha! : P

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I don’t know if hate or love you jaja
It was too hard, but I got it!

Sonny Tsu - Drakulas.

The mine one:
ifel serokin - notripel.

The first word is life…I have no idea about the rest!!!