Unscramble the Song Title


No, think more literally.

No one’s there?

Not nobody, nothing. Now think of what the absence of something specific (in this case with context) might be called.

Cold? Hollow life?

No, it’s been 10 guesses. The answer was Silence. There’s 12 tracks (1 min) of silence at the start of Follow The Leader.


@framos1792 was closest so he goes next.

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My next guess was “K@%!” :joy::joy::joy: ( since it’s spelled like that)

What’s spelled like that?

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Oh it’s a song, I’m not too familiar with their entire discography.

Me neither… I had a list in front of me :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Sweet! I’ll call that a win haha

Pedirit- odargnns

Riptide grandson

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You got it miss :ok_hand:t3::grin:

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Ckkopoai noaucited s

Nobody??? should I give a hint???

Yes, please.

Kickapoo education s(?) lmao

Kickapoo is correct, the band is wrong :slight_smile:

Are you for real? :flushed: :rofl:

Cautioned s? :thinking:

Never heard of them so just guessing :monkey: