Unofficial LP Underground Dubtrack Community

Must have missed you. I wasn’t able to come on earlier but I’m on now.

I was out all day and just got home… I’ll try to get on sometime tomorrow.

I’ll be home in 30 if you guys are still there

I’m going in about 5-10 :confused: Might be on sometime later but can’t guarantee it.

I´m on, stay for a while, what may happen, didn´t read above, but, @TripleXero nice to meet ya, even as @evooba and @the_termin8r1 the_termin8r

Time zones -.- I’m about to hit the hay even though it’s only 11pm here right now but I’m dead tired. I’ll be on tomorrow!

That’s lights out for me lol.

Lucky! My parents wanted me in bed by 10pm when I was still in school. Sucked so much, it was embarrassing too.

The thing with me is that they can’t actually set me a limit because I’ll still be up doing what I want regardless of time. I’m the rebel at home lol. The worst that can happen is my dad turning the wifi off.

I did that too, stayed under the covers with my phone but it was a pain every time I heard footsteps or whatever.

Lol, I made no effort to hide my activity, they would have noticed anyway and I’m not bothered by the consequences. Also, I can’t stay under the cover because I’ll suffocate lol.

When I was younger I always tried to hide playing my GameBoy. I got caught often

Lol, that happened with my psp. I’d hear my mum walk up the stairs, then I’d switch the psp off and hide it under my pillow when she comes in. The only problem was that you could hear the disc grinding to a halt from under my pillow.

PSP games were the worst things ever. The plastic case around them just gave them the idea they were safe to toss around like cartridges, then they got scratched to hell. In my experience anyways

2 of mine have fallen apart completely (cars and Tomb Raider Legend) and have been condemned to the bin, and Star Wars Battlefront 2 (one of my all time fav games) is starting to split at the bottom so I’m being very careful with it. Though surprisingly I’ve never had a single scratch on any of them. I’ve only ever had 8 psp games. I’m actually getting 2 more for xmas.

My parents threw my GameBoy away cause they said I was playing too much and didn’t study (I was in elementary school at the time it happened). I still wonder why in hell they didn’t just store it away somewhere, I’m still pissed at them for it cause it was one of those limited edition Pokemon ones.

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I’d be furious, but then again I collect video games so I might be looking at it differently

The story of my not so good GCSE grades

Isn’t it funny how parents always say grades don’t matter as long as you do your very best but when you fail a class they go bonkers and you loose priviledges and gaming consoles are taken away?

My parents have never once said that. Though they know exactly what awaits them if they take my ps3 away, or my music. I will turn the house upside down to find them.