Unofficial LP Underground Dubtrack Community

Guys, I have something to show you and I need opinions so whenever you’re on dub let me know :wink:

Ok, I’ll probably be there in about an hour

I lied, I’ll be there for about an hour

I know…:sunglasses:

So… Is this still a thing? As in, an active chatroom with audio sharing?

I was there the other day. I also used another one between some other friends. It still works

Anyone wanna go on right now?

yeah but where does this threat comes from right now?? does a new plattform excists? @TriplXero [I realized even, that the tagged usernames must be written in exactly the way, wasn´t it before changing forums like it doesn´t matter if T or t? ] lol

I’ll try to come on later after work if anyone’s on at the time.

When/if you guys get on, say something in here and I’ll get on if I can

We’re still using Dubtrack, it seems more stable now. And you forgot the e in Triple, that’s why it didn’t work

I’m on right now…

I’m in now, too. Just woke up

I hate timezones sometimes. I’m off to bed :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone wanna try it out again?

I’ve completely forgotten about this. Unfortunately I won’t be able to come on any time soon. I’m stuck doing long end of year assignments :confused:

hey, me too, lol, pl set a link again, whoever, to join there again, have a lack in new music, I think [missing the funky puppets…lol :stuck_out_tongue:]

The link is in the very first post.

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