Tumblr, Anyone?

So I know a few of you guys have Tumblr, but I thought I’d make a topic for everyone to share theirs :slight_smile: Mine is super random, I basically post whatever I find interesting on it :stuck_out_tongue: No real topic.

Mine :slight_smile:

So, anyone else?

Mine :smiley:

i have one… its not all that fun at times ;-;

Yes,I have.It is almost filled with LPs :stuck_out_tongue:
Lift me up

Here’s mine. ^-^
oh-alien . :wink:

mines kinda random too, but it’s awesome.

Here is mine.

mine :slight_smile:

My tumblr is basically Linkin Park, KoRn and Jackass…

Here’s mine

Here’s mine :slight_smile:

My Tumblr

I follow back, would be nice to have a few more followers :stuck_out_tongue:

my linkin park graphics blog

Mine is

Here’s my tumblr :slight_smile: rhimeanimal

Mine :3

MIne :smiley:

mine, kaylee182


and another one

