Tumblr, Anyone?

mine :slight_smile:

http://nephthysphoenix.tumblr.com/ (don’t open this in Google Chrome)

Here’s mine - xamitafx.tumblr.com

I have two:



yeah i mostly reblog just about anything but its still pretty cool :slight_smile:

Legion Hispana

I’d follow all you guys but it’s 2:30am… haha maybe tomorrow.

Here :slight_smile:

Mine is at InMyRemains.com

Same here mine is super random as well…

Mines =D

Mine [smile]

mine :3


what the heck is tumblr? and why?

Here you go. :slight_smile:


My posts are based on what day of the week it is, it’s mostly songs, quotes, and on Thursdays I post haikus I’ve written

Searchingsomethingnew.tumblr.com BUT I’m Brazilian so there are lots of portuguese posts. srry

[quote=ROBot Girl]what the heck is tumblr? and why?

Tis’ mine

Mine :smiley: