Thoughts on Burn It Down?

I think is a good song. My 1st impression was “New divide with rap”, but this song is quite better. It’s very “catchy”, difficult to get it out of the head. [wink]

I found it a little hard to break into ats, especially since it was a new sound for lp. I came to loce the album. Now that i enjoy their new style burn it down is a great single.

I’m probably a little bit older than most of you but when I first heard it, it kinda reminded me of Duran Duran, which is not a bad thing for me cause they were one of my favorite bands back then.

That said, I do like the song not just because of that but because it’s very hard from me not to like anything Chester might sing and I always have an open mind when it comes to LP and their diverse style.

I was hooked at the intro, lol! I’m on pins and needles now for the cd (which I had to pre-order…too much temptation!!)

Why can’t it be June already? lol!

I can´t stop hearing it… goooooooooooooooood!

Even after listening to it 1000 times i still think its great

i love it! it seems that they’ve found a good middle ground between old style LP and ATS stuff. I like that it’s structured sort of like their old songs (Chester singing but with Mike rap parts) but that it’s also more like their recent work because it’s more electronic sounding. All in all it’s a great song and me and my friends get in my jeep and listen to it after school and have a ton of fun- good upbeat, loud awesome

At first I kind of thought that the guitar in the background at the beginning reminded me of Blackout… I can’t hear it as much now, but I did xD

The song as a whole is actually one of my favourites. It’s just…different :stuck_out_tongue: Hoping for some hardcore headbangers on Living Things though :3

After a good 10 listens, I’ve decided I’m not a fan. Here’s why:

  1. Waaaay too dancy. ATS at least made the drums sound somewhat realistic. This feels like a 100% electronic dance-pop song.

  2. The structure is exactly the same as Blackbirds, which was another song I’m “meh” on.

  3. For some reason it seems Mike’s rapping is getting slower and slower with each album. There could have been a lot more words thrown into the verse here.

  4. Overall the impression this song gives me is something off of their LPU Demos CDs. It seems light, fluffy, and easy. Hopefully the rest of the album will have more meat.

This is coming from someone who has been a fan since 2001, and really liked ATS.

[quote=Randy]After a good 10 listens, I’ve decided I’m not a fan. Here’s why:

  1. Waaaay too dancy. ATS at least made the drums sound somewhat realistic. This feels like a 100% electronic dance-pop song.

  2. The structure is exactly the same as Blackbirds, which was another song I’m “meh” on.

  3. For some reason it seems Mike’s rapping is getting slower and slower with each album. There could have been a lot more words thrown into the verse here.

  4. Overall the impression this song gives me is something off of their LPU Demos CDs. It seems light, fluffy, and easy. Hopefully the rest of the album will have more meat.

This is coming from someone who has been a fan since 2001, and really liked ATS.[/quote]

I do understand your feelings. I really had to get used to is as well. And I do agree to some extent. But I am loving it now with whole my heart.
At first I was like… what the hell happened to Chesters voice?? But he really created some new edgy sound to his voice. It is really different, my opinion, and I love that. I fits with the beat and the lyrics.
Mike’s rapping comes in right the perfect moment and It makes the song really strong.
Mike’s voice really is … lifting the song up. Chester’s voice is more constant in this one. But I love the new difference in it.

I’m a HUGE ATS fan as well. I love that album. I love al the albums. But ATS does has something special that really grabs me in the gut. Kinda they all do. But still ATS is Linkin Park, and I love the new directions they took on that one.

A lot of people cry that LP is becoming more pop than rock group. They want to hear HT and Meteora songs, sound, guitars… I think that it’s a bad tendensy, so I’m very happy about LP experiments in music. They are great, they grow with all of us, their songs grow too…

BID is the example of a great talant of the band, and I like it very-very much. I want the new album to be awesome as it’s single. =)

I think its really great - I dont think I have listened to a single so much in the last few years.

as for me i like how linkin park keeps changing and adding some things new and old so i never get bored love the new single just cant wait to get album now then i can blast it out

LP has made their own genre, and I fucking love Burn It Down, even though it has the same name as an A7X song.

Its awesome! I LOVE IT

I think … Luarbiasa.

Linkin Park is evolving like every and any other band but I do like their new single :slight_smile:
Curious on what their new album has in store for everyone!
Cant wait!!