This is my first post here

Yes haha! But I’ve lived in London for about 15 years now so my accent is slightly mixed. Some London accents are pretty bad depends which areas you know.

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LMAO. That was a random guess. :joy:

I’m on the outskirts of North-West greater London. Sometimes find myself in North London, rarely in central, almost never in East and South, I do most of my travelling around West London.

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Thanks @LP13413
we don’t bite much - it is not completely relieving :grinning:


I also love Evanescence. A lot. :slightly_smiling_face: @zanybelle

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Seems I haven’t said hello in this thread.
So hello @monika24

Here’s Anna from Poland.

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Hello :wave: @anomalia
Nice to meet you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi welcome to LPU! :hugs:
I’m from Poland :smile:

Cześć! :crazy_face:

OMG! Nie spodziewałam się kogoś z Polski :open_mouth::exploding_head::sweat_smile:… skąd jesteś?

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Hey @susan584 :wave:

@framos1792 isn’t from Poland, just someone who has to dance at every party. :roll_eyes: :black_heart::bat::black_heart:

But we have two regular polish people here.

I’m just a neighbour :hugs::heart:


The rumors say that he danced (even )on Superman theme party lol


LOL! Impressing :joy:

Hey @susan584 :hugs: Jest nas coraz więcej :smile::raised_hands:t4: :poland:


jestem mężczyzną
Jem jabłko :partying_face:
My vocabulary is like…50 words and I can’t spell to save my life yet hehe keyword is YET lol

I like being inclusive…sue me :roll_eyes: Get it? Hehe hehe Hihi because she’s Susan-sue susan? :joy::joy::joy:

You know it hehe I bet you’re over there fanning yourself like oh myyyy, he’s so fluent! :joy::rofl:

And the Superman thing…well…I told you that in confidence :triumph::unamused:

I know you’re expecting a super cool reply to it but I can’t type much less add gifs right now :pensive:
It’s bugging me arghhhhh

Edit: ja mówię polski :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: (sorry I just learned it so felt proud :laughing::joy:) oops… ja mówię po polsku :grimacing:


rising hand I dont get it :joy:


:joy: I think I would prefer to keep my remaining 8 lives :nerd_face: soooo I will say proper names :nerd_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: jk

Dzien dobry :sunflower: (feels nicer than just the sun :sunny::sweat_smile:)