This is my first post here

I couldn’t care less about politics. You just vote for the biggest liar and hope you don’t get arse-raped too badly. I care so little about politics that I just vote for whatever my parents vote (they basically get an extra vote). Why bother getting invested in something you have false power in? It’s like trying to steer a roller coaster. That’s why I find it funny when people get triggered and have arguments over politics. You can’t do anything, so you might as well sit back, enjoy the chaos and take solace in the fact that you’re happier than them for not caring. :joy:

Adapt or perish, simple as.

This. You lot butchered our language.



Too badly Lmao

There you go adding that extra “I” in there :rofl:
Literate my friend, literate :nerd_face:


Their accent is beautiful. Like you listening to music :heart_eyes:


Tell that to someone from Sheffield. LMAO :rofl:


Waiiiit, who is their :thinking::thinking::thinking:
Ours or the biscuit over there?
Cause I’ve got my Latino accent added on to the American accent :relieved::sunglasses::rofl:


I pronounce my Rs like a retard for some reason. Probably becuase I’m not actually from here. :joy:


Oh you know I roll my Rs like a champ
GrrrrrrrRRRR :lion::rofl:


@the_termin8r There are always exceptions :smile:
@framos1792 I meen to the biscuit over there :smile:
Well, I don’t hear you accent so i can’t say anything :grinning:

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I’ve done well to blend in over the past ~17 years and sound mostly British. Nobody can tell that I’m actually Bulgarian. :joy:


I know people who do not even know the language of the country where they live after many years, so congratulations to you on your British accent :smile: @the_termin8r


What century do you think we live in? Nobody says cheerio! Still, it’s better than s’up. That’s not even English. Bah.


Triiiiii-ggereeed :joy::joy::joy:

Aye aye it’s dope, y’all be whack! Yeet yeet (where’s @jrtrussell when he’s needed lol)


I agree politics is a load of BS and whatever you vote for you are guaranteed the exact opposite. I wouldn’t say don’t vote, there are some elements of good that remain. At least it gives you some slither of a voice for what is perceived as good on the surface. Still, not as bad as the Americans. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing .” Most families do vote together!

Which lot?


The 'muricans.

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Aw thanks @monika24 sadly a lot of our music taste is American! I listen to LP and Evanescence most of the time. Still you can’t hear accents in songs so we’re all equal where it counts :slight_smile:

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Thank goodness you didn’t choose the city I’m originally from! Haha. I have to say the further north you go the weirder it gets. Still, I loathe the London-based accents. Hideous.

Yuh yuh yuh the Calvary has arrived

Are you a Brummie or something? :joy:

I’ve never noticed different (native) London accents.

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Greetings from the USA! I live in New York state (not to be confused with New York City).

Welcome to the family! I hope you enjoy your stay. We don’t bite much.


This 100%. It’s two sides of the same coin