This is my first post here

Hy everyone :relaxed:
Where are you from? Is anyone from Europe?
Lots of greetings from Croatia.


Hello! Welcome to the LPU!
There are quite a few people from Europe however I think you’re the first Croatian here :slightly_smiling_face:
I myself live in California in the US, im of Mexican origin though
I’m sure people will stop by and welcome you as well but there’s also topics that have already been opened that will give you a sense of the people here, where they’re from etc :slightly_smiling_face:
The biggest advice we give newcomers is to just join in in the game section so that you feel a little comfortable in getting to know everyone


Hey and welcome. :slight_smile:

I’m in the UK.

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Thanks for advice. I was looking at this topic but obviously I didn’t find it :worried:
I will definitely join in the game section. :relaxed:
And, my english is not very good so you ignore all mistakes. :smiley:

Hy :relaxed:
We are a little closer. :smiley:
Nice to meet you.

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Hello and welcome to LPU

Hy :relaxed: And thanks .

Your welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here


Hello new soldier!! Welcome in here! :smile: :sun_with_face: No worries for your English! :wink:
And I’m from Italy :blush:


No worries :grin:
It’s good to know you’re searching for the topic first though, just helps to keep things organized
And again no worries on the English, there’s lots of people to whom English isn’t their first language-technically myself included :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, watch out for the crazy people that think they’re Batman-they’re a bad influence(oops that’s me :grimacing:) and jk…sort of :joy:
There’s plenty of crazy in here but at end of day everyone loves each other for being decent with one another
You’ll fit right in you’ll see :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome you on board - :blush: just jump in and enjoy :wink:

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Welcome @monika24 I’m really new here myself so nice to have another new member! I’m still trying to get know people here. I’m from the UK. Everyone has been very welcoming and friendly and it’s a great place to share our love of LP with like minded people. I particularly like the ‘What are you listening to this minute’ thread because everyone shares their music videos which is great to enjoy :slight_smile:

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Hi, and welcome @monika24 :hugs:
I’m Anna from the Czech Republic :blush:


Hy neighbour :blush: Witch part of Italy?


Hey @monika24
welcome to this crazy loving place! :hugs::heart:

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:laughing: Thanks for warning. For crazy people. Good to know. Especially for batman.
It’s best to beware of such people . :smiley:
Crazy people with bad influence. The worst combination :laughing:

I forgot to mention- @IronSoldier16 made probably the most helpful thread here, it’ll give you a good run through of the different tools for you such as quoting so you won’t have to reply to each person separately


Thanks a lot :relaxed:

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@zanybelle , @lpaniist, @anna834 Thanks for welcoming. :relaxed: And thanks @zanybelle with recommendation - 'What are you listening for this minute? '. I will definitely take a look. :relaxed:


Thanks everyone for great welcoming.
It’s great to meet people who loves Linkin park as much as I. :relaxed: