Flight stick
Flight stick
DVD player
Not working
Broken down (something’s ruined)
Broken down (devastated)
Something I haven’t been in ages
That’s due to mention of the L word and it’s my brain not my actual pc lol.
Better than software
Isn’t your brain some sort of “CPU”???
Yes it is, but I haven’t been devastated. I got corrupted and fried but not devastated.
And you never thought of permanently fixing the problem with the L word.
I have, it’s impossible. It would mean programming emotions at the loss of precision, cold impartially and clear judgement
It simply requires ignoring the L word.
In my case it’s not seeing it. Once my optical drive picks it up, I’m done for lol. Plus, it gives me a chance to post ambiguous pics
So why don’t you quarantine the malicious code, like how anti-virus software works.
Because I am the virus and the l word is the anti virus
So an entire CPU is a (mothership of a) virus? I read somewhere that some viruses can quickly disable/uninstall anti-viruses.
Have you seen just what the L word is capable of?
No. But I realized that only recently did the L word start to affect you.
When used properly it can be very potent to me, but when used improperly and isn’t heart felt then it’s a hollow shell and it’s harmless.