The Unity of Us, Nominations and Discussions

Greetings to @GioS and @agusdbianco :wave:

My nomination

Title: Light Surfaces
Genre: Alternative Rock/Indie


This is so exciting (Iā€™m actually very nervous to be honest) Thank you everyone for the opportunity to be part of this :blush:

My nomination @acemasters :flushed:
Title: Overload
Genre: Rock


I totally root for Cook The Cat!


Dog Meat Noodles - alternative :stuck_out_tongue:


@acemasters :

Title: Nuts Blues
Genre: Blues

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The Band

@jabinquaken (you tagged me you are forgiven)
@the_termin8r (you tagged me, you are forgiven)
@gatsie *
@AJ_7 *
@rickvanmeijel *
@yomarques (you havenā€™t nominated yet, you are you forgiven)
@NoireXJasper *
@Honey8 (no nomination, you are forgiven)
@theearlywalker (you tagged me, you are forgiven)
@NickGr *

You are wondering why I have calles you here with the tags

All those with a * had forgotten to tag me in their nominations

Come on you lot should know by now that I rely on your tags to get all the nominations together :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Anyway poll to go up tomomz


Lol! Sorry @acemasters! :joy:

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Lmao I always forget it @acemasters
Iā€™d say you need an Arial Black 250 sign saying "DONT FORGET TO TAG ME"lol


I think Iā€™m gonna pass on the nomination, Iā€™m terrible at coming up with names and I trust you guys, I like all of them till now :sunglasses:


Hi! Thank you for making me a part of this!! For now I will just see how this thing works so, no nominations from my side

@NoireXJasper @AJ_7 @theearlywalker Thanks!


Oh I forgot to tagged you @acemasters

So sorry about that :joy:


Hey I quoted you with no nominations! Am I forgiven?? There is nothing with my name!
@acemasters !

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You know the deal, vote for your fav but donā€™t vote for your own nomination

  • Cook The Cat - Joke Style
  • Unite And Take Over - Nu-Metal
  • Shoot Not Fast Enough - Rock/BritPop/Rap Fusion
  • Another Day - Hip-Hop
  • Reality - Rap/Rock
  • Light Surfaces - Alt.Rock/Indie
  • Overload - Rock
  • Dog Meat Noodles - Alternative
  • Nuts Blues - Blues

0 voters

The Band


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Read above post




Itā€™s because you canā€™t divide 100 into 3 identical whole numbers.

Cook the cat is losing! nooooo


I think it is safe to say that Unity And Take Over

The floor is yours when you are ready

Now we pose a little problem
We can only tag 10 people at a time soā€¦
As the lines are completed we can replace the names of the other 2 members for whomever they are for whichever order once 2 members have completed their lines with the tags of the other 2 members

Or better still

@theearlywalker just write the order but only tag the 1st line person
1st line tags the next so on and so forth

Whichever way

@theearlywalker as I said the floor is yours create a new thread and I will see you all there


Oh no! Iā€™m very too late to vote :frowning_face:

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Oh jasperā€¦ Its okay.
But where were you??

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