The Unity of Us, Nominations and Discussions

Dont forget we have members like @yolo5494 returning at some point as well

Oh yaā€¦ But we cant have more than 12 or everyone will not get chance for their linesā€¦ 12 is the limit.

(Well @acemasters you tagged another person ā€¦ Edit it or he/she would be confused :slight_smile:

Yeah I tagged yolo so they have the chance to say their piece as they are part of the group whom have taken a step back

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I agree that 12 people should be the limit. Or we could extend our songs, so we still have enough lines to write per person

12 sounds like a reasonable limit.

I was talking about this @acemasters :slight_smile:
@Honey8 . Well no worriesā€¦

Sounds good to me!

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Guess, it can be like extra players when we become too many. When somebody is out for a long time, like for 3 days, the part can be taken by other person.


Or take turns, so like each song is given to 10 and then rotate between the whole group. That way each song will leave out two people, but the same person cannot be left out consecutively?


@jabinquaken @AJ_7 theyā€™re both fantastic ideas!


Yep we can do this! And we will have no problem of no. Of people in bandā€¦ They all will get chanceā€¦
Great ideasā€¦ :blush:

Well with that said I would like to welcome 2 additions to the team/band

Welcome @GioS and @agusdbianco to the team

As new band members this is how it works

Each project we pitch a Song Title or Theme with what type of Song it will be

Example 1:
Title: End Of The Road
Type: Rock

Example 2:
Theme: Dealing With Demons
Type: Ballad

You two and the rest of the band please come up with 1 nomination (if you donā€™t want to nominate you donā€™t have to) and tag me in your nomination

Once I have everyones nomination I will do a poll where everyone votes for the song they think sounds best and you canā€™t vote for your own nomination

I will not be nominating in the next project as my project was used last

That goes for the winning nomination they cant nominate the next time

The winning nomination will then set the order we write our lines and in what sections

If there is anything i have missed out or you dont understand as me or any of the other band members


The Band


Please read the post above

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Song: Cook the cat @acemasters
Genre: Joke

@rickvanmeijel and @gatsie know what Iā€™m talking about :joy:


awww, I love when you tell me what to do @acemasters :stuck_out_tongue: aaaandā€¦

ā€¦ welcome guys- @GioS & @agusdbianco :tada: let it flow with us in:

(btw Nick, @NickGr time to show us your workā€¦your TUOU design, :slight_smile: )

and here, lads and gents (:joy: ) I proudly present my nomination:

Title: Unite and take over
Genre: nu-metal


Title: Shoot not fast enough
Genre: Rock/Britpop/Rap (choose which option you like most)

@acemasters sorry for the genre mess. Donā€™t know yet, how Iā€™d like it to sound.


Nooo I wanted to nominate Cook the cat! Hahaha

Well then, Iā€™ll go for a more serious song: ā€œAnother Dayā€. Genre: Hip Hop


Welcome @GioS and @agusdbianco!

My nomination is :Reality
Genre: Rap and Rock


Sorry. I thought Iā€™d nominate it in case you guys forgot. :sweat_smile:


No nominations from my side this time as said in rulesā€¦ I canā€™t come up with great titles like yā€™all! :wink:
Till now all the nominations are great!

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