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I’m sorry

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Remember the Subway wrap I mentioned about yesterday? Well let’s see y’all get even more jealous…

My meal several hours ago (yes that’s my hand)

Sorry if it seems like product placement

But there’s hardly any filling in that.

Well… Too lazy to cook again. I already had pizza for lunch. Now I’m considering to either:

turn on the deep fryer for some easy fries

Or… chuck some indomie in boiling water and fry an egg…

Hmmm… Decisions decisions…

I thinkto make desicions are really easy to make take all and eat from this and from the other

Currently having some spring rolls :yum:

Thanks, now I know what to ask for lunch tomorrow lol

Just ate a whole box of cookies.

I was trying to be good, cause the holiday season is starting and in an oncology practice we get loads and loads of cookies and candy, etc. However I was lazy tonight and it was pizza time!

:pizza: :heart:

And I regret nothing! :smile:


@EvoOba Spring rolls isn’t lunch, it’s a snack. (Admittedly I don’t quite like spring rolls)

Ok, it’s a side dish lol

I’m going to a Korean restaurant for the 1st time next week. Does anyone who’s tried it have any suggestions on what to get?

I love deep fried Kimchi, which is a Korean snack.

Unfortunately I’ve never had the pleasure of trying a Korean Restaurant thus far. But this looks amazing:

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Korean BBQ? I’ve heard it’s great… I’ll let you guys know when we go to the restaurant lol

Me want cookie wookie

Time for a bump.

Had the world’s worst baguette in college today (it was the last one there).

if you´re hungry you´ll eat it, untill it´s uneatble, so I guess, there is a story where the survivors off a plane crash ate the dead ones :cold_sweat:
but btw, dinner tonight?
anybody any idea?

Honestly, if I had to survive I’d eat bits of myself. I’d start with the lower arm and work my way up. fingers don’t have much meat on them so I’d eat them at the end.