The Tavern - Open 24/7

I’m eating a magnum ice cream right now.

I just had myself a magnum too. With nuts in it. Yum.

Quail’s eggs: :yum:

I’m having some of my mum’s deep fried courgettes with plain yogurt :yum:

Started my day with kimchi:

In the afternoon I had cantaloupe melon and dragon fruit:

And for dinner I had sausages:

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My mum cooked some of her cream of potato soup :yum:

OT: Just hit my 6000th post :slight_smile:

Korean pancakes

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That looks like a pizza lol

Drowned my sorrow with this

Sorrow? Did the test not go well or was that before the test @EvoOba ?

I am very pleased to see that I was not getting notifications from this post. Damn you guys and damn your tasty foods.

Ok. Un-damn you guys and your foods. I am just eating wraps and rolls.

It didn’t go well, as expected.

Was it that bad?

Yeah, I got all the questions I didn’t want, like history, traditions and childhood.
It’s not that I didn’t speak, the examiner had to stop me every time (which is good, they want to see that you can speak without stopping for a certain amount of time) but with those topics, I didn’t really know what to say exactly. I suck at history and have absolutely no idea about our traditions cause my family doesn’t celebrate any. I made up a pretty awesome lie about the childhood question too.
I could have done way better, and used more advanced vocabulary than I did. I definitely didn’t get the score I needed.

What does it mean if you get a lower score as you think you may have done (I honestly doubt that you did as badly as you’re assuming)?

It means I won’t be accepted in uni/work, they require a grade of 7 in all bands (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and I didn’t get a 7 today. Maybe a 6 but not higher.

Is the difference between a 6 and a 7 big in terms of how well you do?
I had to do a spoken exam in high school on my 2 weeks of work experience…which was working in gap. So I had to long every single thing out.

I’d probably flop badly if I had to one in Bulgarian mainly because I’d be too informal.

I don’t know how they score you exactly… I hate any oral exams, in whatever language. I suck at speaking.

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