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I often loathe the bottled beer that is sold in stores. I like the ones that are brewed in the bars. Anyways, my first preference is rum, closely followed by Whiskey. I have never been able to drink wine in the classy way it is supposed to be. I just drink them in gulps.
… and finally, tequila. Sweet mother of all that is good and pure!!!
Let’s drink!


Again, sorry for the bad quality.

When a wine is really yummy I tend to gulp it away too. It’s the gross wines that make me drink “the classy way” simply because I do not know how to get it down otherwise.

omg I just brought home some of these Indonesians sweet snacks called Kue Lapis. They are sooo yummy omg sohoohoo goood omg omg.

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That round one looks like a toy lol.

LOL some make 'm in different forms such as these.

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@gatsie I´m feeling with ya, dear…lol :kissing_closed_eyes:

Last weekend I had to help out at this party. I actually smoked a whole pack of cigarettes that day, that’s how high my stress level was because of the party. This creep, who seems to follow me to every single event I have to attend, won a bottle of wine and some other stuff at the party. He gifted the bottle of wine to me. I first thought “great, something to soak away my stress with”. Boy was I wrong… It’s so gross. The wine I mean.

I don’t get wine. I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t like it, in any form.

I only like sweet soothing white wines and blood wine :smiley:

I’m also a sucker for funny bottles.

I thought something was wrong with that bottle for a second.

If I have to drink wine it has to be rose, cold (from the fridge, not in room temp) and sour, I don’t like it when it’s sweet at all.

Yeah the JP Chenet bottles tend to look a little drunk :stuck_out_tongue:

Rose are nice too. Would love to trade a rose for this rancid red wine I have in my glass right now.

I believe that’s what you call port. Wine is in essence rotten grape juice.

Port is a type of wine. Except port is made exclusively in the Douro Valley of Portugal, whereas other wines do not necessarily have an exclusive region in which they are made.

I’ve tasted some sour ports and some sweet wines so far :slight_smile:

I´m with Eva, red wine from the fridge…cold and dry…sweet may only be the dark choclate, coming with the wine, lol, poor @gatsie, the party-money-ppl sucks…lol

Do you really drink cold red wine @The_early_walker? The few times I drink red wine it has to have room temperature.

Anyway I´m more a fan of mixed drinks like this

and Cocktails

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I had a sub yesterday where the onion alone was hotter than the jalapenos and hot sauce combined.

I think I have never tasted Rose.
I think I have never tasted cold wine (I have had regular temp ones only).
Am I missing much?

@gatsie and “stalker” sitting in the tree
First comes love. Then comes marriage.
Then comes hell load of wine in the baby carriage.

i prefer whites and always cool them before.
Then they taste better, brings out the fresh taste. Much cooler way to get drunk.

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Favorite cocktail?

Mooochito…lol :yum:, yours @evooba