The Tavern - Open 24/7

Am I the only one who doesn’t like KFC?

I love chicken

I’m fed up of chicken.

Yeah me too at one time…but baked store chicken is awesome.

I posted this somewhere else but I forgot about this thread so I I’ll posted it here ;D

It’s awesome @.@

Speaking of worms, has anyone tried an earthworm flavoured jelly bean?

No BUT I have an announcement!!! @EvoOba @the_termin8r1 @TripleXero @Gatsie @samuel_the_leader @The_early_walker @purrfect

I murdered a cupcake…that is all :3

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I’ve murdered many a food too. It’s always fun to kill wotsits / cheese puffs.

I murdered a muffin earlier too lol.

We have yet to see @Gatsie’s cake though.

@the_termin8r1 I’ve tried the Harry Potter flavored jelly beans. All of them are gross.

Lol, I don’t know about the HP ones but there’s ones called bean-boozled. My friends dared me to try a bunch. I’ve tried:

Dog food (I stank the entire class up from the second bite :laughing: )
Earth worm
I’ve tried a couple of others I can’t remember

The ones I couldn’t hack were vomit and skunk spray.

Been there, done that. Not cool. Do NOT try it, ever!

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Too late, I tried both. That’s what I meant by I couldn’t hack it. I managed one chew of each and I had to spit it out.

I’ve ate dog food before, not bad :3 I ate fish food too. Sausage is nasty…

Dog cookies are awesome!! I’ve had them too.

Hmmm, I will have to try one but lie and say they’re for the puppies …and get them one

Actual dog food or the flavour? All the savoury flavours were ruined because they had a ton of sugar in them.

Actual dog food

Why would you do that?

No reason, why would you eat grass? :3