Hey! The last few burgers were too so whats the broblem? Damn we have two extremes ! lol
How would you feel if I had ketchup made of animal blood?
I will calling to Peta!
Edit: Jk eat what do you want
LOL. My posts were joke posts in case it didn’t come across.
I know I’m just wondering how do you squeeze the squirrel to the ketchup bottle.
I was eating out at this bistro where I eat regularly. I tried to order the salmon with whisky sauce, explaining that I don’t eat meat but do eat fish and dairy products. Which confused the waitress. Apparently this bistro uses animal blood to spice up the whisky sauce…
Pasta and it’s sauce
Looks - makes me hungry
Please tell me you didn’t eat 60 nuggets.
No I sharing them with my mom
Just curious what Nick. Is going to say
Please tel me you didn’t eat 30 nuggets
We are going to gave a few to the a cat that’s always by are door and gave a few to my moms friend
I’m just teasing
Fun fact-there’s four shapes (bell, bow tie, ball, and boot
That’s a lot as well.
Nick’s gonna show you this