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Holy crap! I wish we had a good Japanese restaurant now ::sob:

Finally there’s new sushi restaurant in my town.


This is what I drank in Germany:

And this is what I ate:

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Did you like the mulled wine? Also, that sausage looks huge compared to the bun :stuck_out_tongue:

I really liked the rum they added to this gluwein. Never thought of mixing it like that myself, but was really great :stuck_out_tongue: And yeah I don’t understand why they serve the bratwurst in a small bun :stuck_out_tongue:

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That better not be the euphemism I think it is :joy:

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It’s your dirty mind, not mine! xD

WOW! @gatsie I have never seen anyone use a small bun for a hotdog before. That’s new to me

It’s not a hotdog, it’s a German bratwurst.

‘bratwurst’ is my fav word rn :joy:

@gatsie oh I did not know.
Oh you saw the movie I couldn’t see it because my little brothers and sisters where at home.

All this talk about sausages just made me think of this movie again :stuck_out_tongue: I saw it in the movie theater. It was a good laugh, really. The ending I didn’t like too much though.

Also, I actually preferred the bratwurst without the bun lol

LOL because when I sometime eat my hotdog that what they can it in the America I sometimes don’t eat the bun. And what kind of drink were you drinking anyway.

Irish coffee and gluwein with rum. Gluwein is a nice hot drink, they call it Mulled wine in English.

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Oh does it taste good.

She wouldn’t be drinking it if it didn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to travel around the world and try other foods. :yum:

I’m pretty sure you could find a place to try foreign foods in NY.


Sausage horror :joy: I never finish that movie.