The smart questions thread

They indeed are.
Running like kids. Even I’m curious to see whats gonna happen.

“Well they say that’s how the duke boys and nascar started ouuut, they were hauling bootleg liquor and look where they are now” :notes:
Couldn’t not include it :grimacing:

@lpfan61 challenged me but i don’t get how it works…
do i answer the previous question and add my own or answer my own question?

i’ll just shoot one and see what happens.

how can nothing explode into everything and then evolve while we never see any proof of that, yet we all take it for granted that it is so?
i know the answer…
The frog does turn into a prince and the magic wand is called time.

in case that’s not the case… the question is…
how doomed are we?

i shouldn’t play this game… it’s not fair!


:hugs: @jamielanger welcome to the fam :hugs:



Are you talking about the big bang?

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when did that happen again (in lab or in nature) to be referring to anything else?

not being ironic brother @the_termin8r , just “playing questions” like i know it and trying to stick to the rules: :stuck_out_tongue:

the answer is a man called “Kent Hovind” and he is here to speak to our analytical minds.
youtube “Kent Hovind Creation Seminar” and start on 1 of 7


If you want of course you can, if not just go on with your question :smiley:

:thinking: destiny and possibilities are involved as science too…

And what if the frog doesn’t meet the princess? No kiss,no human prince or not? :crazy_face:

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There’s my girl! @lpfan61
knowing the answer in her heart no matter how hard they try to erase it!


see dear, destiny implies a creator and a life of importance, not chance.
they somehow, neglect teaching that on schools don’t they? (<–question!)

And what if the frog doesn’t meet the princess? No kiss,no human prince or not? :crazy_face:

And if the princess did find the frog, if the time hypothesis stands, who did the prince marry?
the fossils of the princess?
her great great grand daughter? shouldn’t that have evolved to something else yet?
aren’t they cousins since they both came from a pre-biotic soup called “grandpa”?

some games you play… some games you win…
some games you don’t want to lose!

btw, for a computer science major, i am disappointed in myself when it comes to quoting in this forum!
i’ll get it soon!

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Yeah! I got it! Chance is a thing,but destiny another!

Yeah! They don’t teach those kind of things… you have to find yourself and that means you have to have an open mind, to search for yourself and learn alone your lessons!

Ohhhhh! That’s a nice comparison! Then, we all are link to each other in some way…

No worries! Just select with the mouse on pc or click with the finger on phone, should appear two drops that you can move to select what you want and a grey rectangle saying “quote”, click it and tadaaaaa! :blush: :grin:

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sounds more like duuuuuuh to me hahaha :relaxed:
thank you dear!
not only did you bring me back to this forum when time was due (destiny or chance?)
but you’re also refreshing my basics!

all the above have an answer and i hope you will go discover it yourself
most of what i do is to merely point where.

yes, this is scientifically implied.
which is like saying, don’t step on your grandma when you walk in the woods next time.
see, it rained for miillions of years on rocks for you to be here now :stuck_out_tongue:
never step on rocks again!

? ← question mark!

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I really like this reply! Seems kinda romantic in a way that all living things are related to each other as the non living ones… :star_struck:

You’re welcome! :blush: :hugs:

Really happy for this!! :blush: :hugs: :hugs:
:thinking: Don’t know…maybe both in this case…

I’ll try! :muscle: :smile:

OFF TOPIC: going to sleep for now, good night! :hugs: :hugs:

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You realise the big bang is just a theory, right? It’s the one that makes the most sense scientifically from all the information we’ve been able to gather.


@the_termin8r i don’t see question marks… :stuck_out_tongue:

where in fact… there should be some
Theory… scientific perspective…

help me out make a distinction here brother.
Don’t we need something called proof in order to promote something from a theory to a taken for granted reality and teach it to schools?

There are some lies in the books in order to make that happen
You know, poison is 99.995 % good food and merely 0.005 poison.

my job is to point my dear brother, and make a mind think more.
and you have a lot of that there!

But i am undebatable
because i side with the truth.
you can surely try if it helps you arrive there, but don’t try to win the argument because it ain’t yours… it’s “collective” and if we support it, and claim it science, we first must go through the scientific method to that as well.
it won’t feel like an argument here, but as an attempt to help further, so don’t hesitate to take any route!
I “believed” too until i saw some proof to … “know” better than believing now :slight_smile:
dear @lpfan61 i pressed send and rushed to bed too :stuck_out_tongue:


don’t debate what arrived to shake your foundations
check your foundations for damage or instability and once sturdy, nobody can shake’em!


You lost me there completely, I have no idea what you’re saying.


@the_termin8r Hitting the links will help because everything else is words, not proof.
And i know how a computer oriented mind works because so is mine, so i have high faith that you, a brother, a mind of logic and a neighbor, will not take much to arrive to the truth that evidence points to.
We’ve discovered a Picasso in the woods and we keep denying there must had been a painter around there and say it must have evolved from trees and dirt and tiiiiime!
things don’t “evolve” into perfection. quite the contrary (third law of thermodynamics)

We just weren’t told about alternatives to that “theory” with other “theories” that could have some proof…
consider Kent Hovind as the best teacher you ever had.
took me years to find him, so all i am doing is saving you all that time :wink:

i am afraid i am loosing this game… no question marks on this one! :frowning:

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I gotta agree with my man @the_termin8r you’ve lost me entirely. The tangent youve gone on from him saying that the Big Bang is a theory doesn’t seem to make sense.

This also doesn’t make too much sense to me. Organisms evolve to adapt to their environments. It may not be perfect but it is very slowly going in that direction. And I don’t see how the third law of thermodynamics relates.

I looked at the link but it honestly seems like a lot of conspiracy theory stuff going on which I don’t really believe in. I feel like if we’re talking about proof and truth that’s the furthest we can get away from it.


a) last time i checked it was not taught in schools as a “theory” but more of a “given”
unless we were given alternatives and i skipped class!
b) the degree that organisms can adapt has limits.
you can never get a dog of the size of Texas nor a horse to beat the other horses in a race by half the course time, no matter how much you breed them together.
The fact that we’ve gone from this adaptation (something that is indeed observable) all the way to star formation and now dark matter to “fill the gaps” is an assumption brother.
c) observation versus judging means that when someone states that he can’t change your mind with words but you can not win an argument against truth and he points to someone and his videos, observation would call you to follow the lead and judging will bring out words like


how can it make sense when an eye that is called to see denies to do so taking for granted that it has seen this before and it jumps straight to defend it?
Dr. Hovind will answer the questions above. i can’t type out all 6 meanings for evolution.
5 of which are assumptions and leaps of faith!
does that belong in a science book?

i am only here to ask the question as the thread calls me to.

btw, sorry for confusing you… i meant the second law of thermodynamics
things don’t improve over time… they deteriorate!
that’s what’s physics!
EvolutionISTS will then add “energy” to fix this on their theory but if you add energy in a random order nothing improves again.
check what the sun does to the roof of your car.
check what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki when a lot of energy was added!
it did not fix a thing!
but if you put that energy in order (here, there, where it must and as much as it should)…that immediately implies that someone did that, it didn’t happen on its own.

that’s exactly my point.
if you don’t find proof for what you advocate, you are a believer!
i don’t like blind faith!
i like the truth stuff (proof, math, logic etc.)

this is not a theory, it’s a religion!
the unfaithful to it never find themselves teaching in schools.
i’d say enough arguing… if there’s one truth out there, it’s everyone’s responsibility to find it.
or to settle in faith foretold!



I agree that there’s a lot of religious thinking still present today. Not just in science but in all kinds of fields. Of course it’s easier to believe in something than doing the research and coming to conclusions.

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Wait, are you saying that the big bang didn’t happen and that evidence doesn’t exist and it’s some government brainwashing scheme or something? I’m confused.

This. Thermodynamics has nothing to do with evolution. Except maybe the thermodynamics associated with body heat. :joy:


Temporal, yes, otherwise, not really.

Because dogs don’t have a reason to be the size of texas.

Technically as time tends to infintity it is possible. Much like the theory of how a normal chimp in a room with nothnig but a typewriter will (in theory) eventually write a masterpiece given infinitie time. But these are discussions for another time.

I think you’re starting to confuse a patchy understanding of scientific concepts with personal values and beliefs.

Mate, there’s a fair amount of proof that the big bang happened. If there wasn’t, it wouldn’t be a scientific ‘standard’ (for lack of a better term). Science isn’t just based on the ramblings of a bunch of people who appear to be smart.

Oh, I see where we’re headed. These are the arguments I don’t partake in because I know it’s futile. @achilleas7, at the moment you’re trying to argue with an architect and an engineer. We’re not the sort of people to be swayed easily.


Besides the Big Bang theory and the theory of Adam and Eve, what other theories do we have? I believe the evidence for the Big Bang is strong enough to be assumed to be true.

This is breeding, not evolution. Organisms adapt to fit their environment. Being the size of Texas doesn’t make sense for a dog so it naturally doesn’t adapt in that manner. Also horses can be bred to be faster, that’s how the horse racing industry works. As time as gone on they’ve been adapted more for speed and racing.

Isn’t this slightly hypocritical though? I have a strong knowledge and set of beliefs of how things work based on evidence and truths I’ve witnessed and been educated about which I will defend. And you have your Kevin Hovind videos and such. Just like I’m “judging” your beliefs bec it disagrees with what I’ve been taught, you’re “judging” my beliefs bec it disagrees with what you’ve been taught by Kevin. It’s going both ways.


Lol :rofl: