The smart questions thread

One for you here, @rickvanmeijel.

TL;DW: Yes, it’s safe.


I have no info on it or credibility for it :joy: but yesterday on the news here my parents were saying that people with high cell phone usage were growing a lump or horn on their skulls? :rofl:
I just laughed but idk if it’s seriously something that was on news or not :roll_eyes:


That’s definitely bullshit.


Aye, but if the idea takes off, I have an iHat made of specially designed tin foil made precisely to counteract the growth of said horn-yours for only $99.99 :nerd_face:



Beaner version :innocent:


I wouldn’t draw that conclusion immediately. Since it’s still seen as possibly carcinogenic, I think more research needs to be done into whether there’s a causal link between 5G radiation and developing cancer.

How’s it going to cause cancer if it’s non-ionising?

I don’t know, but why would they label it as “possibly carcinogenic” if it’s non-ionising then?

Because there is inadequate evidence from studies conducted so far that says it can cause cancer. The same reason coffee is in that list.

So the Dutch goverment has announced that it will force the national implementation of 5G, possibly starting next year. Meaning thousands of antennas will be placed everywhere in the streets. And I’m fucking disgusted. What’s the current situation in your country regarding 5G?

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I still don’t get if this 5G is dangerous or not… lol

Not really, power output is negligible, there’s hideously strict regulations about how much energy you can pump into the environment. And, clearly, if they’re making it a country-wide thing, they’ve deemed it safe. Nobody’s ever been killed by RF signals and they haven’t grown extra arms or started melting. I think all the panic is coming from a patchy understanding of communications systems which are stupidly complex (I’ve gotten a small taster and want nothing to do with them).


I still have major concerns about it. Also check this out:

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Humans die when they get near electricity pylons. Jokes aside though, bee kiling isn’t exclusive to 5G, it’s all RF signals, they scramble their internal compasses if you will. It’s been happening ever since widespread use of mobiles and other RF devices started.

A 30 sec search and dig through Google yielded these three papers. It’s not a new thing.

The point I’m trying to make is that singling out 5G as the sole killer of bees is idiotic to say the least. If you’re going to roll with the ‘save the bees’ argument, then spreading your hate to all forms of RF comms and ceasing all usage of such devices is the next step to take.

If anything, 5G is better for the bees since it’s very short range.


Is it better to use streaming platforms for entertainment consumption or is it better to have physical or digital copies for yourself?

Whichever’s cheaper. I’m not fussed. But if it’s music, I prefer a physical copy because I can do what I want with it.


I personally prefer to have physical/digital copies for myself mostly because I don’t want to pay a monthly fee to use the stream services and I like to be able to listen/watch what ever while not on wifi and not kill my data. The world is definitely turning towards streaming for entertainment though. Everyone I know watches all their television and movies on Netflix and listens to their music on Spotify.


Spotify is my music purgatory, it’s only there for music I don’t own yet. I don’t even need to say how much I actually despise it.