No, there is:
Alright give you the answer:
body not unclear and not a complete sentence
Don’t cry, alright, I let you go next
go ahead guessing guys
What’s there to guess?
hehehehe this tricky, rem it is MACRO
Looking through the rules, I think we only demonstrated micro to guess the macro, not the other way round
the thread title offers both options, lol and THIS IS MY THREAD lol
poweabuse up to me
so don t analyze on but guess what ya see here in MAKRO perspective
32 posts, I just skimmed over them so I don’t actually know what’s happening. Who’s next?
I’ve no idea how I’m supposed to guess.
We’re supposed to guess what kind of plant?
So nice… this lettuce?
Go ahead and eat it
In a sense.
oui, ces tres beau
oui, ces tres beau
Beau ≠ Délicieux
This must be grass from the overgrown neighbors garden, isn’t it?