The MICRO - MACRO game

an xxl pack something? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, not xxl, and not exactly a pack :stuck_out_tongue:

Hint: First things first, what format is it packaged in?

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lol uhm… family? :joy:

Looks like a plastic bottle. Like the ones that contain chems for cleaning purposes

lol, I meant the packaging, as in what kind of container?

maybe such a paper bag?

What chems exactly?

a lot of: from bleach to windshield washer liquid

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lol f-k @NickGr hahaha :joy:

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Hint: it’s family format, so you must think, what kind is suitable for the family.

i think this. Family product)))

lol, look again, the family format sticker seems like a bit toyish

hahaha :smiley: @NickGr
@samuel_the_leader a very nice example for diffrent feels, what easy is…

by quoting you I find out the pic it is something from the lp-store or at least lp related?

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No of course not.

Hint: Ok, just go and google “formato famiglia”, and the first product with the red sticker is the answer.

but that’s dishonest :stuck_out_tongue:

no… ya told the answer? :eyes: ok so

and I cant find anyways…

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Ok, so the clue is, how many products have a red sticker like that? What kind of products have a red sticker like that?

No, completely wrong picture. :laughing: No red sticker

i remember buying milk with a sticker like that
:sob: snieeef no red sticker