The MICRO - MACRO game

Damn it! Yes it was.

I was so close to winning -_-

I’m not a ghost :stuck_out_tongue:

your turn @The_early_walker

bah, who knows these days… :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao :joy::joy::joy:

revenge @the_termin8r

I don’t even know what to look at :smiley:

Sugar coated doughnuts on a metallic blue plate. Or one made of blue glass.

It’s food. Probably doughnuts.

food ok but no doughnuts…

join the plug we are in three

Did I get it right @The_early_walker ?


Hot Cross Buns (I need to eat them)

Hot hot hot

This Body is NOT invalid :joy::sunglasses:

??? So what is it?

Chicken Nuggets

The hell kinda nuggets are those?

Probably some genetically modified thing from some factory

That’s not the same pic

The geratest cs mummy-Style
You go Sam!

Ok now guess:

The sky from behind a curtain?