Damn it! Yes it was.
I was so close to winning -_-
I’m not a ghost
your turn @The_early_walker
Damn it! Yes it was.
I was so close to winning -_-
I’m not a ghost
your turn @The_early_walker
bah, who knows these days…
I don’t even know what to look at
Sugar coated doughnuts on a metallic blue plate. Or one made of blue glass.
It’s food. Probably doughnuts.
food ok but no doughnuts…
join the plug we are in three
Did I get it right @The_early_walker ?
Hot Cross Buns (I need to eat them)
Hot hot hot
This Body is NOT invalid
??? So what is it?
The hell kinda nuggets are those?
Probably some genetically modified thing from some factory
That’s not the same pic
The geratest cs mummy-Style
You go Sam!
The sky from behind a curtain?