The MICRO - MACRO game

Plant pot?

a round box?



Try to remember, where such numbers could be.

Door step? I know they’re a door number most likely but they don’t seem to be on a door so I’m trying to think what people keep around their front doors.

No. This one is not from my every day life.

security code from a web site?

No. Actually, @the_termin8r has already named the correct answer in another thread. Four guesses left :slight_smile:

tricky tricky…so me on spy mood…lol :stuck_out_tongue:
last guess from myside [for not getting the pop up “you post too often, let other participate”] …a colour with the nr. 223?

No. It’s not the color number,if you mean that. :smile:

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Is it a number plate for a automobile? or an advert at the back of buses? I zoomed the pic & that’s what it felt like.

[OT: @Spelling_Mistake shush! We are not discussing adult stuff here. We will discuss this offline :wink:


@amitrish: back at normal, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

im so sorry, wrong forum!

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So now we can ‘-ship’ you two together. Seems like nowadays, there are so many ‘relationships’ going on in the forums. :blush:

Yes, me and @intheend have an interesting master/minion relationship :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@samuel_the_leader What? When? Who? I mean you need to spill these beans. NOW!

@Spelling_Mistake the LPUsers have spoken. We are a couple :heart_eyes:

congrats from myside,:four_leaf_clover:&:rabbit2:&:wolf: finally amitrish´s in love…congrats @Spelling_Mistake

No. Close to that, though.

And… what was happening here?

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“You are online?”

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I don’t know. Where am I?