The MICRO - MACRO game

surface of your golden Laptop?

  1. No
  2. No
  3. No

(More No’s to make the body descriptive.)

ot: to post it now is only doing the duty, Soldier that @spelling_mistake gave ya, so it is a nice one, :stuck_out_tongue:

it´s seems to be englightened - tv or livingroom cupboard

Is it a kind of backlight decor of some sort? Cabinet maybe?

4 & 5. No & No
6. No

(HInt: It’s not considered as an important element in interior design.)

Also, where’s @Spelling_Mistake? Is she sleeping? Wake up, come here & start guessing.

pic frames

7/. No

Look around your house. There must be one around you. Another hint: This is an innovative design.

last guess of me: a mirror

8/. No

More hint: It’s a 6-letter word. Now look around closely and keep naming everything. Also, it’s an electrical component.

normally she arrives ab 10-15 mins after tagging her…

TV? Fridge?

9 & 10: No & No.
I am just counting them as different answers because I want to finish this before I leave. It’s a switch.

I tag @Jabin_Quaken.
And since @Spelling_Mistake is late, here’s something for her:


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how nice you always be…lol bye then, comeback soooooooooooon :mask:

Here it is:

Box of icecream (mhhh like To get icecream delivery right now) lol hi Buddy!

No, not the ice-cream. Hey, @The_early_walker! Wie ist deine Gesundheit?

Gut Danke ! :muscle::+1:

sorry i was watcing Game of Thrones :smiley: and duude you are a little…weird :smiley: what a gif!

This your adult movie collection?

Is it a can of some sort, food maybe?

No. Far from food. Not a can.