The last time I

It was on 28th morning. I really wanted to be on plug with everyone. That was my first experience. Or its always night here when they party

Same question passes :upside_down_face:

Getting my phone repaired even though it costed more than I could afford nowā€¦ I love it :slight_smile:

The last time I felt sleepy

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Right now.

Last I time you had to wake up really early

Saturday for the concert 4:50!!

The last time I cried

The day before yesterday, watching the concert :heart: :sob:

The last time I played football

European football?? Summer

Last time I felt like technology passes me by

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I didnā€™t get the question :thinking:

You couldnā€™t!!! You are 16 :joy::joy::joy: the last time that I didnā€™t understand the current technology things (I was thinking of snapchat which I cannot understand!!)

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Last week when my 8 year old twins understood the new interactieve TV without reading the manual and I still donā€™tā€¦

Last time I read an newspaper, a real one.

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@honey8 see??? Thatā€™s what I was talking about!!!

A month ago

The last time I looked up something in a book and not google

Adults have absolutely zero excuse to not understand how tech like computers or phones work when you think about it.

Why? Because such technology has been around far longer than the teenagers and so have the adults. Thus the adults have all of that time to understand it, and if the technology comes out then the teenagers and adults have equal exposure time. So theoretically the adults should be better at this stuff as youā€™d expect them to have previous experience. Why they arenā€™t is beyond me.

Put it this way, if youā€™re in school and youā€™re learning something hard and the teacher has been over it a million times they start to get angry when you ask the same thing you tell them itā€™s not your fault that you donā€™t get it and they tell you you donā€™t have a real excuse. Now slot that into the scenario of adults not understanding technology.


My only problem is I cannot understand this thing called snapchat ,in other words my relationship with technology is excellent!!!

No Iā€™m not talking about social media but I mean having at least basic knowledge on how to use modern technology. As for snapchat as I understand it itā€™s like instagram but photos you take are posted for a few seconds and are then permanently deleted whether you like it or not. No idea what the point is, I donā€™t use it.


I cannot understand it :slight_smile: I have set up every device in my house from modem to anything electronicā€¦I just cannot fffffffreaking understand ā€¦ and the thing that people older than me can understand it ,it drives me crazy!!:grin::grin::grin::grin:

Haha, I donā€™t know. My kids have more motivation to know how the tv works. They are more interested en curious. I have better things to do.
Previous experience can also be a burden when things change.
In the end I can read the manual en learn quick, but when I saw my kids pushing some buttons en everything worked I really felt old :joy:

Because thatā€™s the best way to learn, screw the instructions and spend a bit of time with the tech in question.

I have downloaded this thing more times than I dare to admitā€¦ Itā€™s not hard obviously, I am not the bright one :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

One of the biggest tech mistakes I made was when I bought some DLC for a video game and accidentally deleted it. I didnā€™t know you could re-download it so I bought it again. :man_facepalming:

When I was studying for my exams, and the dedicated maths textbook was less helpful than half a page on a website. Books are dated, their time has passed. Also theyā€™re a waste of paper when you can have them digitally.

Last time I had a tech related screw up.

When I bought a song from google play because it was the day it was released then I remembered my napster and spotify accounts!! ( And the song was horrible!!)

The last time I was greedy (in a good way!)

Oh yeahā€¦ i remembered :sweat_smile:

I agree rob. The same way i learned how plug worksā€¦ there was a big question mark on my face when i opened it first timeā€¦ explore and learn. :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree with this too. They are back dated. I have almost all my notes on the phoneā€¦and mumā€™s like what are you doin on phoneā€¦just keep it down! :sweat_smile:

Yesterday to try more workout repsā€¦(does that count? :thinking:)
Okay then yesterday again. I wasnā€™t getting any likes for my new ballad on my website! :joy: Hell vs life went up till 12 and this is still 0 :joy: lool.

Last time you snapped a pic from your camera