The challenge thread

No, it’s for you to understand how embarrassing it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanx Buddie !and now send this word you use much too often To hell NOTHING in life is embarrasing and see: it is just life & None has any judging right

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Someone wants to continue???
(Lol 1 yr later )

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This thread died for a good reason. It was deeply irritating. I made the mistake of making it :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol i was thinking the same… if it was okay to challenge someone like this and the my accepted it too! …

Well if you want one here it is. @Honey8 u hv 2oo teyepe liek a t0t4l r3tARd uhntilll dis tym tohmohroh


This is great! Will be lots of fun :stuck_out_tongue:

I have one more challenge in mind but I’ve already issued one.

Lol i just asked if this thread is working… you gave a challenge! :joy::joy::joy::joy:
Challenge accepted. I will be here tomorrow with proofs!! :smirk:


Proof will be all over the forum lol

Shure aye weal uploaed screanshots loal (thats lol)

You don’t need to, I’ll see most of your posts.

But ase a profe aye goat tou doe thaet

You only need evidence for the less obvious ones.

Saoury aye didant gate eat…

I’m saying that you only need to show evidence if you’ve been given a less obvious task. So you don’t in your case.






You can type normally now @Honey8 . Also it’s your turn to give a challenge.