Thank you for years

I’m not saying it’s a bad album, I’m saying there is a better album in LP. I’d like to see a mix between HT, M and THP. That’s just me. One mad album to keep the music genre alive for another decade.

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Totally agree, but I don’t think they’ll ever return to the heavy stuff again. Certainly not if they’ll continue as a five-piece with Mike doing lead vocals


"And like the rock and rap
You know what I mean
People act like you know
Wow that’s a new invention
That shit’s brand new
We’re constantly evolving
It is constantly changing


There’s a lot of change
Everybody’s always up with labels
There ain’t no label for this shit
They’re always gonna try to put a label on it
Try to create something
So they can water it down."

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Today I received a bunch of negativity from LPFinland subscribers for selling my collection. Not a day goes by that this fandom does not disappoint me. So sorry.

It really amazes me how much hate and toxicity fans on social networks can produce. Someone is selling Anna’s book with her autograph, giving part of the money to charity. But a lot of shit pours on him for it, although this is his book. In this case, I’m not talking about myself. I got insults for selling robe sticks. But it is not important. All these people did not give a penny to charity. But they are ready to shit anyone who sells something at a high price. There is no limit to my frustration. I do not know how I was part of all this. I really want to commit suicide so as not to see so much hatred.

I was blocked by lpfinland admin but this is I’m talking about
I dream of living in a world without hate, but what I see.

If you can’t make the world a better place, is it better to die?

How do you know you can’t make the world a better place if you give up? You can’t please everyone in life, but that shouldn’t stop you living. :heartpulse:


The only question is, can I make the world a little better or it will make me worse

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I feel you there. You control your life, nobody else. The world can’t change you unless you allow it. Rebel.

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