Tag, you're it!

I do have some problems with the account activation, so forum is available only on my home PC :expressionless:
The support says “wait , and someday, you’ll be able to log in”

  • I have to get up really early because of my new school

  • I’m waiting for a LPU merch

  • The new OS X security update slows my Mac


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Nr 2? :slight_smile: i also have some problems with the lpu right now, only by phone i can come here.

lol hi darling, @Spelling_Mistake, you are in the wrong thread, Nick tagged ya to post three facts from yaside and tag the next…just for fun, hope ya acc probs will be solved soon…:grin:

@gatsie what’s up =) ?

Hiya@ droms, thanks for tagging :slight_smile:

1 I just ate green tea ice cream for dessert
2 My smartphone’s battery bloated up last night.
3 I won’t be available on whatsapp and the likes for a while.


Dispose of that immediately. You don’t want it blowing up in your pocket. Don’t throw it in the bin. Just you tube lipo (or Li-ion) fire and have the fear of god put in you. The one in the vid was punctured but a bloated battery can do the same.

This is the 6th battery that has bloated up in 3 years. I noticed something was wrong the moment it went from 100% to 3% within an hour. I took the battery out to discover it being bloated.

This is almost becoming a standard thing. Every 4 to 6 months I have yet another battery bloating up in my samsung mini phone. None of the batteries have actually exploded like the one in your video, but maybe this is because I’ve always removed them just in time.

I could go buy another battery but I rather wait and get a complete new phone…


  1. Do you still have a little bit for me?
  2. You can always buy another one but you must be careful
  3. Don’t you have another smartphone on your home?

That sounds like an over discharge or to quick a discharge. There might be a short somewhere on your phone. Does your phone get hot? Or have you put it through a lot of abuse in its lifetime?

I’ve been very cautious, really. I don’t charge the phone when I sleep, to make sure that I am there when it is charged to 100% and I charge only when the batter is actually empty, so when it’s 0%.

I removed all the games from my smartphone a long time ago. No sims, no Patience Solitare. I only use it for making phonecalls, Whatsapp, Instagram and a travel app. But perhaps this is too much abuse already for a smartphone?

I do have another phone but it is not a mobile one. It’s like being back in the early 90’s again lol. There’s still some green tea ice cream left yes :slight_smile:

@gatsie better than nothing but at least you can make phone calls and send messges lol and sure you would not have battery problems

With lithium batteries you don’t want to over discharge them as they get permanently damaged and if you over charge them they blow up. Now your phone should have a built in low voltage and high voltage cut off but my advice would be not to let it drop all the way to 0 (maybe around 5) when you go to charge. Obviously the odd time to 0 shouldn’t do any damage. Your phone might just have had a defect off the production line.

damn, i messed up :smiley:

It’s a Original S7562 Li-ion battery. This is battery #6. I’ve tried buying official Samsung Batteries the passed times and they were more expensive and lasted just as long as this one.

What battery is it? Is it an official one?

Anyway… Let me tag someone to keep the original thread topic going:

@evooba tell us 3 random facts :smiley:

  • I haven’t slept in 4 days.
  • I eat way too much junk lately.
  • I broke a glass yesterday by pouring boiling water in it without realizing I had forgotten to place a spoon inside.


@jFar920 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Why would the spoon make a difference?

Because it’s metal, it reduces the heat.