Tag, you're it!

1 ) tomorrow I 'll see the Ocean
2) I can’t eat no more
3) my Family is nice but I guess I got an overdose


  1. I have to attend a birthday party tomorrow.
  2. I didn’t get a present for the person hosting said party.
  3. I want it to be winter.


If only if only:

1 I’ve been binge watching Adventure Time again
2 I am locked on the island again because of work on the traintracks and highway
3 Scored two bottles of wine for the price of one, yay!


I was gonna tune my RC car SCU today but I though meh
I’m probably gonna do it tomorrow
For some reason I only sweat out of one part of my body


Crowded places annoy me, I hate to go anywhere if I know it will be crowded
I forgot to turn on the AC in this 40+ degree weather and I’ve been sitting here for 15 minutes
I am sleepy


1.I can’t wait to watching nex season of The Last Man On Earth (for some reason biggest part of my friends really hate these series :stuck_out_tongue: )
2.I’d like to play scrabble but last time I did this in the middle of the night!
3.I need a coffee…:grimacing:


  1. They just removed 2 of my wisdom teeth (so I have none now, therefore I’m not wise anymore :stuck_out_tongue: ) and it hurts like hell and I’m in a bad mood because of this. :sweat:
  2. I don’t like any alcohol, only beers.
  3. I have a stingray tattoo on my foot.


@nefermiw hope the wounds will heal easily…get well soon, like to meet you then on plug…:blush:

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  1. I went to my first intro to world politics class today.

  2. I’m about to go to my first microeconomics class.

  3. I had fish and chips for lunch.


1 Spend 4 hours on the phone last night and couldn’t binge watch Adventure Time
2 Eating cheap Greek Yoghurt with strawberries at the moment
3 Craving cheap fancy cheeses and wines at the moment


guess Rick @Rick_van_Meijel is busy? @Gatsie? tag smo else maybe? :+1:

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Totally forgot this thread. Well @The_early_walker you go ahead then :slight_smile:

@The_early_walker lol

  • I am on plug at the house of rock n metall
  • tonorrow I have to structure/ concept my new job
  • we are about to order dinner…comfortable way JOLO
    @gatsie looool you go :grin:
  • I am wondering if I should eat some yoghurt or some ice cream
  • I am tired
  • I am not sure whether I want to go on a date with an old friend

@the_termin8r go ahead

You Should go for sure…what to loose :high:

I did 2 circuit board transfers today on my old cars

I’m still working on them

I’m hungry but want to finish first


1 Like
  • once, I tried to draw Chester Bennington and failed;
  • my eyes are sometimes blue but mostly they are gray;
  • I like Autumn


  • I’m currently working on a website that advertises hair drops and hair loss prevention so I had to learn a lot of things about the scalp in order to write articles and other contents :smiley:
  • I have two snakes and a spider as pets (and yes, I’m afraid of spiders).
  • I have a MiG-37 model but I don’t have the proper paintbrush and colors to finish (or even start) it, and it really bothers me.

@The_early_walker :slight_smile:

:relaxed: so we are in the same boot, students again, hahaha, but really:

  • this new job really becomes interessting, I got much input which is nice energy
  • got aware of it because I become creative in mind
  • about to write my working concept right this moment…

@NickGr, hey Dude :grinning:you go, take a break, you are real busy by studies???