Tag, you're it!

thanks for the tag @AJ_7 :kissing_heart:

  1. enjoyed my cheatweekend breakfast with 3 donuts and 1 big coffee
  2. Got a power-up and more motivation, bc I’m under 65 kilogram today :grimacing: (64.9)
  3. Listen to Papa Roach :heart: :love_you_gesture:t2: :metal:t2:

I tag @Lilyope @raz7 and @anomalia


Thanks for the tag @HakManLP

  1. Currently listening to Emigrate
  2. About to have dinner - I’m thinking cheese on toast :thinking:
  3. Sorted through another page of music I need to listen to, down to 100 pages.

Tagging @anna834, @the_termin8r and @evooba


Are you planning to disappear? 65 kg is not really much for a man.

  • i don’t like the day today :pensive: but it’s gonna be over soon :+1:
  • tomorrow will be another day and it still has a chance to be nicer :sunny:
  • it’s hard to make the third one up

@framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792


Hey everyone,:heart::hugs:
Thanks for the tag @gatsie

  1. Online classes are on the rises
  2. Working on a new song
  3. Feeling great being here after sooooooo long

I tag


Yoloooo :tada::hugs::heart: :confetti_ball::tada::rainbow::rainbow: @Reishtany :kissing_heart: how nice you show up sunshine :sunny: :sunny::sunny::sunny: - thanx for the tag :star_struck::partying_face:

  • just showered- feeling fresh now :crazy_face::sunglasses::sunny::sunny:

  • about to go for grocery …

  • wishing you all the best for your day and stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2: Let’s enjoy our playground here :joy::sweat_smile::crazy_face:



Got 2 tags! :crazy_face:

1- I’m home! And stay here till monday :crazy_face:
2- I can’t go visit my lil niece :pleading_face: she’s growing and doing well! We do videocalls so I can see her :blush:
3- Since now I have some free times, I’ll enjoy it listening music, relaxing and why not doing some easy chores :grin:
4- I can’t stay put too much time lol :crazy_face:
5- :thinking: browsing a bit too
6- :thinking: :thinking: having another coffee soon :yum:

Next: @Linkineli @acemasters


Thanks for the tag!:wink::heart:

•just came back from my run through the nature​:blossom::muscle:
•have the choices now between reading a book, painting, or some easter- baking😜
•today is a good day :heart_eyes:

I tag @jrtrussell, @LP13413, @Lilyope


Nice to see you :smile:

  1. I’m tired despite the fact I slept like 9 hours.
  2. I want to paint my house.
  3. I’m back to spam the forum, please don’t ban me :pleading_face:

@melisLP @AJ_7 @gatsie @NickGr


1 Ordered 2 kg cheese.
2 Wanted to sleep in, but still woke up at 8.00
3 Cooking without onion and garlic is hard :sob:

You go @the_termin8r @samuel_the_leader @anomalia


I’ll wait for @framos1792 to respond my last tag :yum:


I offficially bought back Battle of the Songs
I have wrote a few songs that I will post at some point
I cant think of a third thing right now



Thanks for the tag

Currently watching gogglebox
Got axel and Ozzy asleep on the sofa next to me
Might order one of aesthetic perfections’ albums in the next few days.


Tagging @anna834, @danni1317 and @the_termin8r


Oh shit, i forgot my tag :rofl: :see_no_evil:

  1. Beeing relax the last couple of days. Work is still shit, but i find my peace and rest had home.
  2. Finally cleaned the house. I had some things to do, but i didn’t wanted to do it, but after a long time i finally did it :rofl:
  3. Happy Easter everyone! :hatching_chick:

@Himan10 @Honey8 @zanybelle



Thanks for the tag @IronSoldier16!

Well…my husband got the virus :frowning:. He is all recovered now though, so all is well.

I’ve been working from home and I love not having the commute. They want my team to start going in on Wednesday’s though. I don’t feel safe about it.

We’re finally going to move! We’re closing on the condo in May.

I tag @HakManLP @framos1792


Thank you for the tag @anna834 @HakManLP and @Linkineli !

  1. Two days ago, i’ve subscribed to Disney+ for the 7 trial days, maybe i’ll pay the first month just to watch every stars wars before unsubscribing. I watched Zootopia and Moana, the two most recent disney movies i love!
  2. With the confinement, i have good days and low days. I can’t go out because i’ve a very tiny congenital malformation on my heart, and if i get the virus, i’ve more chance to leave this world quickly. So being careful, and luckily i live with my mum, she cleaned all products she bought from supermarket the other day :joy: (not really sure it’s necessary).
  3. A ladybird is spending time on my bedroom window right now. :grin:

There are a lot of people already tagged. :blush:


Oh no :disappointed: :persevere: :sob:

best recovery wishes :pray:t2: :heart:

thanks for taggig :kissing_heart:

  1. Had an awesome saturday with lots of good food (Pizza for example :heart:)

  2. Will do some Barbecue later + the WEP (I promise)

  3. Got no hangover, but had too much beer - but feeling very good :joy: :metal:t2: :rofl: (this why I missed the WEP yesterday :joy:)

I tag @theearlywalker @drounzer and @zanybelle (sorry the WEP is going to be at the evening :sweat_smile:)


Hey buddy, did mine 14 hours ago. But hé, do it again. :joy:

Enjoying easter with family. Brunch together, a walk. And finding chocolate eggs. :grin: the little ones are enjoying themselves.
Weather is awesome. :raised_hands: :sunglasses:
And finally a day free. :rofl:

@gatsie @marialp2 @StephLP18


:joy::joy::joy: that’s what I call a severe reason :rofl::rofl: looking forward :+1:t2::tada:


1 Had bubur Manado for breakfast

2 Baked a cake

3 Planning to make salmon with brocolli and brown rice for dinner

@Lilyope @melisLP @lpfan61


Enjoy them all! :yum:

1- Riarranged my room completely yesterday and all my stuff, all perfectly tidy :grin:
2- Just had coffee break :yum:
3- I think I need a new pc since mine is too obsolete now :roll_eyes: but I don’t have the time nor it’s the right time to go buy one :sweat_smile: well I have my phone anyway :crazy_face:

@Woco21 how’re you doing?