Tag, you're it!

:joy: :joy: :rofl: you really know girls.
Run out on them and expecting this when you come back? :flushed:

Interrogation doesn’t rule hugs out :hugs:

:smile: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

:point_up: some are nice and sweet :innocent:

Not me so? :flushed:
Ok :walking_woman: :walking_woman:

:rofl: who said not you? :laughing: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Hmm, let’s see…

  • I had a tattoo appointment for last Wednesday but that had to be put off because of the virus shutdown. I don’t know when it will be rescheduled, I really want it :c
  • A few weeks ago I took the last train at 11PM to a new friend I had recently made. And we spent 6 hours through the night making a paper unicorn. I kid you not.
  • I found some really nice shirts in a store a while back, including one from my favourite manga that is not well-known here so I was very surprised that a store finally has something from it. It’s so pretty :3


My tags: @AJ_7 and @drounzer


Thanks for the tag! It’s been a while :joy:

  1. Was free today, went to visit some friends and family. Was a nice, sunny day!
  2. I’ve got a nasty feeling that work tomorrow will be a pain in the ass.
  3. Sitting on the couch and enjoy music. Feeling a little bored. Think i will watch a movie.

That sucks… :neutral_face: hope you will get the tattoo soon!

Hahah awesome! :joy: :metal:

I bought some LP stuff in the shop yesterday. Excited when i get it :star_struck:

My tags : @lplove @lpfan61


That’s funny :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Interesting. What makes you say its not well known? I don’t even watch anime and I can recognize that as One Piece. :joy: It is a dope shirt tho. I’d wear that unironically.

  1. Had an appointment to get a hair trim. Don’t think I’ve had my hair this long since college.
  2. Didn’t get a bday message from Mike via the community app :sob::sob::sob: but got 1 from Bobby Hundreds.
  3. Hubby is technically an essential worker bc of what he does. Naturally I’m nervous when he leaves but he hates leaving bc I’m extremely compromised. :roll_eyes:

Tags: @rickvanmeijel
@framos1792 (idc you’ve already been tagged :crazy_face:)


Most people I mention it to don’t know it at all, there are also some that vaguely know it but have never engaged with it, so “not well-loved” might be more accurate :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sending strenght! :muscle: :hugs:

My turn! :blush:

1- Things here going worst…everything is now shut down,shops and industries, unless they are for primary things, like food/beverage :persevere:
The factory where I work is still open because it produces bottles for milk,water etc, so I still have to go to work :muscle:

2- Maybe it’s a good thing I actually can go out even if it’s only to go to work… :sweat_smile: roads are empty now even more :sweat_smile:

3- I stayed home all day enjoying good music, especially LP :heart: :heart_eyes: I usually don’t have much time for it… :roll_eyes:

Next: @Marilau @gabridc98 how 're you guys doing? :hugs: :hugs:

  1. Checking out the forum after ages :sweat_smile:
  2. I’m eating fries, pasta and coffee.
  3. I’ve been playing Minecraft lately. Pics when I find a place to post them.

@theearlywalker @evooba @AJ_7 and @gatsie you’re next.


1 Replying to this thread.
2 Haven’t replied to anything on here for ages
3 My foot itches

Tag… @anna834 @discobot @Reishtany @Honey8


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I know that feeling. Same here.

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Yeah, it almost feels like an out of this world thing :sweat_smile:

@discobot help

1 Like

Hello everyone! i hope all are safe, please take enough precautions, love to all :heart:
Thank you dear for the tag,

  1. I’ve been busy with helping mum in housework and online classes.

  2. I started a new art as I wasn’t in mood to study yesterday…super tired to het to study after working around so just for lil break

  3. I miss y’all! Wish everyone in here be safe :hugs:

I tag @rickvanmeijel



Thanks for the tag :hugs:

  • waking up in the middle of the night after nightmares, probably not the best time to answer this

  • my father told me today the Chinese stopped all import of British lamb. So the Brits flood the German market with there lamb. The prise, just recovered from the last crisis not only broke down. No, you can’t even sell any.
    What is that on me? I have to call my boss, I will see.

  • just you all be safe, be healthy, be everything what needed, for you

Who to tag?
@Lilyope @LP13413


Thanks for the tag @evowarrior5! How are you doing?

  1. Been quite a stressful time for obvious reasons
  2. Currently watching Dave’s podcast on youtube
  3. Just finished lunch

I tag @framos1792, @HakManLP , @drounzer